"My name is Uncle Elio little one," Elio said with a smile and got back on his feet.

Mylar smiled, she was really happy to see that her child was already getting all the love and affection it deserves even before being born. She only hoped that the other family members are as nice and sweet as Elio and won't make her child suffer.

Vida invited him in, he was still looking around the tiny room when Mylar offered him a chair to seat on.

"My house isn't big or fancy like yours," Mylar said when she saw him looking around and he laughed, he sat down on the chair and said to her.

"True, it's big and fancy but it lacks happiness and love. I don't mind having a small house if it's filled with love, happiness, and people who truly care about each other."

"Aww!!! even your way of thinking is beautiful." Vida complimented with a smile, her words almost made Mylar laugh. Hearing the way Vida was complimenting such a small thing made Vida sound silly.