
I walked up to Chizuru to ask her 

"Chizuru we need to talk about something"

"What is it?"

I looked around to see if anyones looking.

"Come to the cafeteria at lunch, and don't be late"

I left, while Chizuru was just sitting there looking confused 

Today we have swimming class for the second period. While changing in the boys locker room, one of the guys pointed me out.

"Wow! Daiki have you been working out, you looked more muscular than before"

"What do you mean? I didn't work out or anything like that"

"Don't lie to me! You look so ripped now, keep up the grind"

After he said that, I ran to the bathroom to check it out myself and realized he wasn't lying. My body did develop muscles. I'm starting to get confused on what is going on with me, so I thought that maybe there's more weird stuff going on with me. And so when we started swimming I noticed that my stamina also lasted longer than before, I can swim 3 laps without even getting tired at all. Usually I can't even make it to 2. 

On lunch break I went to the cafeteria to meet up with Chizuru. As I sat down next to her I asked 

"How is your research on Manabe doing?"

"Yeah you are not wrong, most of his data file has been deleted. I can barely find anything about him, and those clues you sent me have proof to me that he was killed because the day he ran away those guys in the photo you sent me quit their work the next day, all three of them. It can't be a coincidence." 

"I see. So you work on that, and also I need the money. I'm beginning my plan now, so we don't need to delay it any longer."

"Of course, how much would you need?"

"Hmm…since you already have 2 million yen, it's time for us to rescue your dad. I abandoned my last plan of killing off that Doctor, but what I can promise you is that I will make him get what he deserves, permanently"

"But why? You told me that you plan on completely crushing him."

"I am, and I will. I will make him lose everything. Fame, wealth, family, connections and everything. I will only give him nothing but disgrace and utter humiliation."

"oh…well that's good enough for me, I guess…"

"I also need you to put up an act for that if we need to. And don't forget to send me the money, I'm gonna need it. I'll send you my bank information later"

"Of course, and ah... t-th-thank you for doing all of this for me"

Chizuru bowed her head down.

I look surprised and suddenly remember something. I turned to her than asked 

"You know Chizuru, I don't know why you trust me so much?"

She got up, startled, and than shyly said

"Well, I trusted you with everything ever since you stopped me from seducing you"

I looked utterly confused and thought to myself that that's all it took for her to trust me?

"You know Chizuru, you shouldn't trust someone else so much, in this world there are full of bad people, who only want you for their own good. And I'm going to be honest with you, I only decided to help you because I want to get rid of a certain scumbag, that's why I helped you"

Her eye lid up and stared at me, then she started getting closer and closer 

"Now I trust you even more"

I looked down and breathed an annoyed sigh, then turned away.

"Just eat your lunch, the break is almost over you know?"

After school I went home with Kumi and we talked about the swimming class. Kumi was surprised, for some odd reason, to hear I actually went.

"You actually went this time?" 

"I can't skip, it's mandatory, remember? And what do you mean "this time"? I always go to swimming class in middle school."

"Oh yeah, well you always complain of how a drag it was since you can never get up to 2 laps before clocking out."

"I'm surprised you can even remember the amount of laps I can do."

"We been together since kindergarten, I should at least know that much"

She looked smug about it, to which I found that it was oddly cute. I then remember about the thing with my sudden muscle growth, and pondered weather I should tell Kumi or not but then she asked me

"How did it go this time? I'm guessing it's probably the same as usual"

I thought about keeping it a secret from her that I had sudden muscle growth, but with everything that happened and especially what happened last time. If I keep hiding things from her it might end up hurting her more in the end. 

"Actually, I did pretty well this time. I got to 3 laps without even getting tired at all"

"What no way, you're lying"

"I'm serious!"

"Yeah, sure"

I sighed and then asked Kumi how her day went.

"Anyways, how did you do?"

"Mine? It was exhausting, I had to run 200 meters in the field."

I tried to comfort her a bit, but then all of a sudden Kumi turned and looked at me. I was startled, so I asked her.


"Let me check something."

Suddenly Kumi lifted up my shirt to see if I was lying earlier, which startled me. I think she was half expecting that it was just gonna be ordinary. What she didn't expect was for it to be an all muscular body. 

When she realized I wasn't lying back then, she pulled my shirt back down. She looked extremely flustered and was covering her face, which in turn made me embarrassed as well.

"S-S-So y-you really weren't l-lying, but you didn't tell me you went to the gym!?"

"I-I didn't, it just suddenly got like that. I was going to tell you, but it looked like you weren't going to believe me"

It was nothing but silence all the way back home.