In Surya lok,

suryadev is one of the mightiest gods. He gives his light all over the world without any discrimination. He has two wives Sanjna and Chhaya. He has 11 children but none of them have his charm and his light.

He sat in his throne and overlooking the earth and next to him his wives sitting and talking to him.Suddenly there is a bright light in front him, he is the god of light but even he can't look straight to this light.The sound of damuru starts playing, it gives spiritual energy. Mahadev appeared in front of them. Surya Dev and his wives quickly went to their knees to welcome the god.

Surya Dev " Mahadev I am very happy to welcome you to our Surya alok, our palace gets blessed by your presence"

Sangaya and chanya "Pranam adhi keshava"

Mahadev" Aayush maan bhava, sorry for the sudden visit suryadev, I think I didn't disturb your duty?"

Surya Deva" Prabhu with your we got blessed and our gets full of peace, this universe and it's living beings it's all your creating mahadeva so don't make sinner by your words,order me Prabhu what did you come for this servant?"

Mahadev smiles " Surya Dev, seeing your devotion made my heart happy, and Today I came to you for your help,"

Suryadev " Prabhu don't make the sinner by your words, order me Prabhu what do you want me to do?"

Mahadev" This yuga there will be great war will take place and Vishnu Dev's Krishna avatar will overlook this war and he will play his Leela and I decided to take avatar in this yug and to be born on earth"

when suryadev and his wives hear the words of Mahadev they get shocked and get very excited, because if Mahadev is born on earth it will make the earth heaven.

Suryadev "This is very happy news to all living in the earth Prabhu, your birth will be a grand occasion, so tell me Prabhu what do you want me to do?"

Mahadev " Suryadev In future one teenage girl will use the mantra that she get from sage durvasa and that mantra will evoke any gods expect Trinity devs and devis, when she will use the mantra to call you, give her my part of soul with the fusion of your light,"

Suryadev went silent and numb for a moment and his wives were also in that state.

Suryadev gulped and his whole body started shaking with excitement.

Suryadev " So you want to be born as this servant child?"

Mahadev smiles" Yes suryadev, in this yug I want to be born as your child and take place my avatar in the earth."

Suryadev's eyes became red,his voice got choked and he couldn't tell his happiness with words.

His wives also are in cloud nine if Prabhu was born as their husband's son, doesn't this mean they will also be the lord's mother? how much honour is this? In history they will be known as mothers of Mahadev,they can't hide their happiness.

Suryadev " Prabhu you gave me the boon that I can't get even if I meditate for millions of years, this servant felt like I fulfilled my life Prabhu, Thank you for this honour, we can't never forget your blessing Prabhu, I will give birth to you with selfish mind."

Mahadev" Suryadev you giving to all living without any discrimination and you doing your duty without any mistakes. You are the one who gives the people hope. I am very happy to be born as your son, If you have any wish ask me?"

Suryadev gets very touched by Mahadev words " Prabhu this is my duty and You being born as my son is the biggest boon of my life so I don't want any wish Prabhu"

Mahadev smiles" If this is what you want, So I am going back to kailash,when time comes to give this part of his soul with your light energy"

Mahadev said and he closed his eyes to recite the mantra, then suddenly one torch comes from the chest of Mahadev,he gives the torch to the Suryadev and he accepts it with almost respect. Afterwards when Mahadev tried to leave the Surya alok...

Devi sangaya: "Prabhu please wait I have a wish, please give me the wish Prabhu"

Mahadev smiling and facing her calmly,but suryadev suddenly gets very angry, " Why sangaya acting like this, how can she ask for a wish, after all Mahadev will be born as their child"he thought in his mind.

Suryadev angrily" Sangaya what do you think you are doing? How can you behave like that?

sorry Prabhu I ask forgiveness for my wife "

Mahadev smiles" It's ok suryadev, she can ask the wish of her, Devi sangaya you can ask your wish without any fear."

Sangaya gets very happy" Prabhu when you were born as a child I want to play with you, I want to help to raise you,This is my wish Prabhu"

After hearing his wife's words suryadev first breathes sigh of relief and he starts to smile.

Mahadev smiles, " I can't promise, you will be fully taking care of me, but you can often come to earth to take care of me and play with me and I also promise,you two will be also one of the mothers of my avatar, This is this Mahadev boon to you"after Mahadev gave the boon he vanished.

Sangaya and chaya froze on their place because of the boon of Mahadev they can't believe how blessed they are.

Suryadev" Devis I think we are going to have our 12th son and we have to be thankful because Mahadev chose us as his parents"

Sangaya " Dev I am very much looking forward to Mahadev's birth on earth, I want to pamper him in his child figure "

chaya" sister sangaya you really got the best boon for us, I can't believe what honour we will get, we are going to be the parents of god of gods,the destroyer, The other name of love and peace, the one and only Mahadev.All the other other Devs and devis are going to be extremely jealous"

So the suryalok became very happy with the news of the Mahadev avatar.


After Mahadev appeared in Mount kailasha, he saw his wife and went to sit near her.

Mahadev " I can't now also not understand the love of women for their children Devi"

Mata Parvati smiles " Don't worry Prabhu after all you will face the love of mothers for their child"

Mahadev shakes his head but he is very happy inside and began to meditate and gone so deep state.

Mata Parvati saw her husband go to meditate and she went to make the food for her husband.


The news of the Mahadev avatar reaches all over the three worlds. The Devs,devis, apsaras,dev gurus,sages and rishis all heard the news.They can't believe that lord Shiva is going to take avatar on earth, They became very happy. But they don't know the full details of their Prabhu's birth and who will be his parents. But they are very happy.Sages are already starting to clean their asharam and waiting for their lord visit.

To be continued...