Worldview collapse

Lu Zhen felt warmth from the bottom of his heart as a sweet taste burst in his mouth. At this moment, he felt a gentle poking, as if his mother was waking him up in the morning.

"Mom, let me sleep a little," Lu Zhen shouted with a warm smile gracing his lips. However, his nose suddenly twitched, and he slightly strained to open his eyes.

All he saw was a lush forest with countless branches extending forward to gently make a bed for him. "Eh?" Lu Zhen propelled himself upward and looked around the place. He was completely out of place and in utter confusion.

"What is this place?"

The plant Qi resonated in his body again as the branch extended outward, and Lu Zhen heard some strange voices in his head.

"Are… you… alright?"

"Are you the trees?" Lu Zhen narrowed his eyes with a thoughtful expression.

"How… rude… I… have… a… name… Runtu…" The voice was extremely slow-paced and hoarse, but Lu Zhen could quickly discern it.