Chapter 2

….bzzzz…. Bzzzz….

"I told you not to call me when I am working, I could have been with a patient"

"Oh so that means you aren't with a patient. Perfect!.. So.."

"Tori, I am hanging up now. I am at work, I love yo-… "

"No No stop Rinnie, I called to tell you that I am in your hospital. You can be so heartless."

"What?? Why?? Are you alright, I thought you were calling to gloat about how great your concert was."

"Well I threw up a few times, and you know my Dad, so here I am. I missed the concert, I am actually heartbroken, I miss my Minnie and Tae."

"You don't sound very heartbroken…"

"My Dad said he would pay for me to go to their next concert in Korea, so you have to come. I can finally see my baby Tae Woo."



"Ri…" "Ri…" "Are you there?" "Did the call drop?"

At that moment I could only hear my best friend's voice as background noise. My thoughts were immediately in another place, in the past. In a certain conversation that ended about 15 minutes ago. With a person whose name was clearly Tae Woo. I was mortified.

"Well that is the end of the Ultrasound, the images will go to a Radiologist and the Doctor will give you the results."

I took my towel and quickly wiped the gel off of his now sparkling abs. I needed to get out of here, he is too cute, and I am me. I have to go. I started to turn off my machine and roll it away when he grabbed my arm. It was desperate and I didn't want to pay attention to his trembling fingers as I shook him off. He looked at me dead in my eyes, and I could feel the anxiousness in his heart.

"Don't go," he muttered.

How should I get out of this situation? What even is this situation? A good-looking man held on to me begging me not to go. This is a great situation. Well he isn't really my type, why does that matter? He is sensitive and sweet. The best qualities I think to have in a man, so technically he is my type. Technically he isn't a fictional character, so not my type?

Now my thoughts have come full circle. Why am I running? I felt something with him, I felt a spark as my romance novels would say. My mind immediately shuts this thought process down. I don't want sparks, they cause fires. I don't need fires.

He is a patient.

He's not even from here. How do I get out of this situation? Lie.

"I have another patient… I have to go."

He pleaded with me "I've never been alone, I haven't been without my hyungs for almost 10 years, I don't have my phone, I don't even know where they are… so please."

How do I get out of this situation? Comfort, maybe?

"You will be okay." I pat his head, it ruffles his hair a little but it's cute. He blushes and, God why is it so sexy. It's the most comfort I honestly know how to give but now I feel like I am the one getting the comfort. I smile. Then the tears fell, I watched as they welled up in his eyes and poured down his cheeks.

How do I get out of this situation? Hurt.

"This isn't a K-drama or Korea for that matter. Here we have to work, and I don't have time to waste it on you. Just try to go to sleep and you will be fine, I will ask a nurse about your 'friends'." The words felt bitter in my mouth. To be honest, I don't even know what he means by hyungs? His brothers, maybe friends? I rush out the door "well thank you, take care." I don't even have the heart to look into his eyes. I just close the door behind him and got out of that situation.

"Ri…" "RINA" Oh, this conversation.

"Tori, what is Tae Woo's last name?"

My stomach is in my throat as I get the words out, I'm fairly confident I've just made a huge mistake. What this mistake will cost me I am completely unsure of. I hope his last name is Park, please be Park.

Tori starts chanting, "Min Woo Shin, Hyun Woo Kim, Jin Woo Park, Kang Woo Lee, Tae Woo Shin, Its Shin, Rinnie. Why What's going on, you're acting weird?"

"No no no, Korea's 4th most grossing boy group, 2018s rookie actor of the year, Vogues newest model, Visual and lead singer of Woo5, and my best friends Bias, Tae Woo Shin. It can't be THAT Tae Woo Shin. I'm sure there are thousands of Tae Woo Shin's who don't speak english and are here in Las Vegas at the hospital nearest the strip tonight. Oh God."

"Rinnie, I can't believe you remember all that. I'm impressed, I think I've rubbed off on you. But what does Tae Woo have to do with anything?"

I'm wrong, it can't be. What are the odds? I'm crazy… "So Tori, please just tell me one more thing. Is Tae Woo the oldest?" "What?? Of course not! He is the baby!" "Woo5 has been together for 10 years, he was just 16 when they debuted."

The words brought my stomach from my throat deep into my belly. I felt guilt, I felt shame. It all washed over me. My face became hot and uncomfortable. "Tori, when you die, which will be decades away. You will be in heaven. You won't see me though. I won't be going, I have sinned against the K-Pop Gods. I will never make up for it. I am sorry."

"Rina, what are you saying? Was an idol your patient? I am so confused… Did you lie? Did you hurt them? It's not like you left them crying in their room or something. An idol would never cry over you, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. Wait, who was it?? You must tell me!"

"I can't share a word, you know about HIPAA, but I did… all of those things."

"I am sure it wasn't that bad, you tend to be a worrier. Anyways, I called for a reason. In the waiting room there are 4 creepy guys wearing all black, bucket hats, and black masks. It is kinda sketchy. I just wanted to let you know because you get off in a while. Watch your back and be careful. Go home, drink some of the hallabong tea I got you and rest. My dad is with me so I am safe but you know I always worry about you being alone. Do me that favor, and go to Korea with me. I love you, goodnight."

"Ok.. You have a good night too and text me who your doctor is and if you need anything later. I'll be up."

I have an inkling I won't catch any sleep tonight.

After I hung up the phone I sat in my ultrasound room in the dark.

I shouldn't have left him. I am off in 10 minutes.

I shouldn't have left him. I speak Korean and I can translate.

I shouldn't have left him. He is a patient.

I shouldn't have left him. I can calm him down.

I shouldn't have left him. You need to get out of this situation not in.

I shouldn't have left him. Trust your heart.

I shouldn't have left him. I should have taken care of him to the end. It was my duty. I should just go home.

I shouldn't have left him. What should I do? The thoughts didn't stop until my alarm went off to remind me to clock out. I collected my things. The words were still slamming around in my brain until it felt like mush. Thoughts repeated one after another until I found myself bent over looking at the floor tiles in ER bed 4.