Chapter 8

"That's totally fine." I muttered, unable to stabilize my breathing, do I have a heart condition? Why is it beating so fast? On the outside I kept my cool, I decided to draw a very necessary line. "We are roommates now it's expected to share the only bathroom." My eyes trailed to the floor and then at his feet, up the white bath towel. I winced as I noticed the mascara stains. My eyes continue up to the base of his abs to see the chiseled artwork in different lighting. I was still impressed, honestly they are the best muscles I have seen in real life. When I finally reach his eyes they are staring directly at me with a smirk on Tae Woo's face. "You are drooling Rina." My hand flashes to my mouth and, "I'm not drooling! That was such a lie!" I yell back, I am totally flustered, and Tae Woo doesn't help the situation at all. "Well your eyes were drooling all over me, if you want more, just ask me. I'll let you touch for free." His eyes are shining at me, he must be incredibly proud. I grab the nearest thing next to me, a pillow, I bury my face in it. "I wasn't doing anything of the sort, I was staring at your face." Out of frustration I throw the pillow at him, and he catches it. The fluid motion of him effortlessly grabbing the pillow was majestic. My dirty towels just can't keep up with his angelic speed. It was the towels fault. My eyes widen as the stained fabric hits the floor. I gasp as Tae Woo stands proudly bearing all. What can I do in this situation? Tell him it's okay, and I don't mind. No. Run away. No. My bright idea is to help him so that he obviously doesn't feel embarrassed. I quickly jump to my feet and slide to the towel just as a completely naked Tae Woo does the same. Thanks to my quick witted brain, I am now pressed against Tae Woo's completely naked body. His ears and cheeks are flushed with a light shade of pink. He whispers to me, "now that we are closer do you think we should come up with nicknames?" I choke and run out of the room.

I am pacing in the living room completely frantic. Nothing like this has ever happened to me and he just took it in stride. Is he not embarrassed at all? I would be embarrassed if I exposed myself to a practical stranger. Tae Woo comes out after me a few minutes later fully clothed. He seems unfazed as usual and is smiling. I tell him to sit. "We need to talk." He nods at me and sits down. I continue, "That was completely unfortunate and I am very sorry for what happened on my part. I may be saying this too prematurely without knowing your feelings but I need to say what I have to say first. I have no plans at the moment to be in any sort of relationship with a man, especially with any of the extremely famous variety. With that said, I would appreciate it if you did all of your changes in the bathroom and please respect my privacy as well. I am happy to house you, and help you with anything you may need. I hope we can even be friends after this or atleast end on good terms." I sigh and then meet his eyes, "About your question earlier, my name is already a nickname so please just call me Rina. If you have a nickname you prefer let me know. Now, do you have any other concerns?" I finish my speech and go to sit beside him on the couch. He looks up at me, "I am sorry, I did not mean for the towel to fall. I will be more careful. I will take your feelings into consideration and I will keep my own hidden. You can just call me Tae, if you like." He looked extremely serious, maybe I hurt his feelings but it needed to be said. I can't open my heart so easily. If I do, I won't be able to let him go, so this is for the best.

We made it to the grocery store, finally, and Tae looked starstruck for real. This was just a neighborhood market but I don't think he's done much shopping before. We walk through every aisle and we both add items to the court. We are stark opposites easily noticeable by our contrasting sides of the cart. My side has bread, cereal, granola bars, and tv dinners. His side has eggs, premade salads, pears, and steaks. I get close to him and nudge him in the side, "Tae Woo do you cook?" I look at the cart and then at him quizzically. "I am really confused by the presentation of the ingredients but it's all the same food nonetheless. I wouldn't say I cook but I know how to make simple dishes to survive. I need to find the kimchi though, and rice. I am not very fond of your vegetable section either." I laughed at him, "Wow I wasn't expecting a review of my grocery store, but Tae it's America. We don't have a wide selection of vegetables, we have a wide selection of snack cakes. See." I pick up a box from the aisle and throw it in my cart. I wink at him, and he smiles. "While you are with me, I will make sure you eat healthy, and exercise." I look up at him, "While you are living with ME, I will make sure you try all 5 variations of Reese's, the cups, white chocolate, pieces, nutrageous bar, and hmm what holiday is coming up? Oh Valentines day so you can try Reese's hearts. The holiday versions are the best version and I prefer the tree's." Tae is now staring at me quizzically, and I feel a little self conscious. I looked down at my cart and saw the iconic orange box. "Oh and I forgot you have to try Reese's Puffs" I start to sing, "Eat em up, Eat em up." I laugh at my stupid dance, spooning fake cereal into my mouth. Tae laughs too, I doubt he even understands me. "I'm sorry sometimes I can just go on a rant. Anyways, let's check out." He smiles at me, "My second rant of the day, and I've loved every minute of them." I shake my head but he doesn't stop. "You are a pretty good singer, Rina. I should get you a contract." I push his arm and then start to squeeze, "No, I am very content with my job and life as they are right now." He grabs his arm, "Oww okay I won't but that dance is definitely getting used in our next music video." He chuckles, "The guys will totally enjoy that." I nod wanting to smile but it disappears as I realize how different our lives really are. The little fantasy that I didn't dare admit to myself leaves without a trace. I'm not meant to be happy.