Chapter 20


Kang didn't respond for a few hours after my last text. I assumed he just wanted to make sure I was alright, which I was. I didn't even have a thought of Kang while I finished my homework for college. After that, I ate dinner with my Dad and we watched the latest episode of the Korean drama we are watching. I started watching it on my own in support of Woo5. One of the band members has a leading role. I was surprised I was watching because I don't really like Kang Woo in the band.

I have love for everyone in the group, so I wouldn't say I hate him persay. I mean look at me, watching a drama he is in. I just have my bias, my type and he wasn't it. My boyfriend, Shin Tae Woo is the light of my life. He was always so happy, giving words of encouragement to us "Woori's" apparently that means us in Korean. Me and Rina had embarked on learning Korean together and she is just so much better than me. She can actually speak in full sentences where I still am only picking up bits and pieces. It's been really disheartening. I watched Kang Woo on the drama, his dark brooding demeanor.

He calmly opens the door of his neighbors apartment, "Chae-ah when were you going to tell me?" His gaze was icy, and I can't even say he is a good actor. He always is like that, nonchalant, brooding, looks like he couldn't give a care in the world. Was he even really mad that she didn't disclose her pregnancy? I think I see a tear forming, that's new for him. Okay maybe I can say he has some acting skills.

Chae-ah looked frightened and trembling on screen. His face softened. "Come here" he beckoned for her. "Don't worry, we got this, I got you. I'll take care of you Tori. I will protect you Tori. We can have this baby. I love you Tori… Tori.. Tori…"


My eyes opened to my dad shaking my shoulder. "It's not good for you to sleep on the couch, come on. I'll take you to bed and tuck you in." I gather my bearings after that bizarre dream.

"Dad, I do not need to be tucked in." He looked back at me, "While you are living with me, you will live like you are still my sweet five year old daughter. I will tuck you in. Don't take that away from me."

A happy tear fell from my cheek. I never missed my Mom. My Dad was Mom enough for both of them. I smiled. My mind wondered, what the hell was that weird dream about Kang Woo? Was that some sort of premonition? A conception dream? I'm not pregnant though, like literally impossible. I haven't been near a 3D man in about a year.

I brushed off the feelings and climbed into bed, my dad tucked me in as he said, and put a kiss on my forehead. I snuggled in, "I love you Dad, thank you for taking me to the doctor today." "Have sweet dreams Tori, it was my pleasure and thank you for letting me be your Dad." With that he turned out the light.

I tossed and turned for a minute trying to find a comfy position when I heard vibrating. That was weird, who would be calling me? I got out of bed and rummaged for my forgotten phone in my purse. KANG was on the caller ID and I denied the call. My heart jumped for a moment when I thought of the dream. Totally different Kang though, it's a popular name I told myself. I didn't really care to speak to him at this moment anyways. I didn't really see that situation going anywhere for both of us, and I am way too busy to teach him English.

I looked at my notifications, 4 missed texts from Kang and 2 missed calls. I looked at the texts first.

Kang: Sorry for the late response, I fell asleep, I'm so sorry.

This guy apologizes a lot. I didn't even notice him not texting back. I really didn't care.

Kang: I am glad you are feeling better and the doctor agreed.

Kang: Would you want to talk on the phone tonight? I would love to hear your voice.

Missed my voice? Has he even heard my voice?

Kang: I have to go to work, I'll try calling around the time you go to sleep.

I put my phone down and crawled back into bed. Time to sleep. The phone vibrated again, agitated I picked up.

"Hello??" My agitation evident in my voice.

"Oh um Tori, sorry did I uhh wake you?