Chapter 22

"Hey Rina, are you ready to go?" I hear Tae shout from the door. It was the next day, and he asked me to take him out to get some clothing items.

I think he is tired of wearing the same clothes, he explained to me that most of the clothes he brought are for photo shoots and exploring the town.

He wanted some lounge clothes and I didn't mind getting some fresh air.

I cried for a while last night and just needed to clear my head. I'm wearing my usual going out uniform, leggings, socks with my high top converse, and a hoodie. I tie the drawstrings into a cute bow and walk out. "I'm ready" I yell.

Tae turns around and looks me over, "You look beautiful." I flush, "thanks." I grab my bag and head out the front door without catching a glance at him.

We pull up to the mall, it's about 4 in the afternoon and I lead Tae inside. We got him all of the things he wanted and he has now pulled me along to window shop.

His window shopping is much different than mine though, he buys things at every window.

He is trying on some expensive brand new limited edition pair of Nike's, I stare at myself in one of those long mirrors and cringe. 'Beautiful'. He's got a lot more wrong with him than just kidney stones.

My eyes are drawn down to my feet and my once perfectly white converse is stained with who knows what. I walk over to the converse section and see they have new platform converse.

I try them on, and decide it's time to get an upgrade. I mean I am making a ton of money watching him. Tae is still running around like a kid in a candy store so I know we have time.

I put the shoes at the counter and pulled out my wallet. "That'll be $61.48, would you like to apply for our credit card it will save you 25%?" The cashier glances at me, "No thank you." I slide the card out of my wallet and extend my arm to hand to her.

I look up but Tae has already handed her his card, he then smiles at me. "I got this, it's my gift." I bob my head up and down. Wait, what am I doing? Why am I giving in to him? I take care of myself. I push my card out farther.

"Please pay with this, they are my shoes. Thank you though Tae, but I got this." The cashier frowns. "Sorry, it was already approved" I shake my head and flatten my lips together out of embarrassment.

Why? Rina. Why? What's wrong with you? He is just being nice. The cashier hands me the bag with my shoes and we walk out of the store. I look to Tae, "Thank you for this, I'll buy you lunch in exchange. Where would you like to go?"

We decided to eat real 'American food' at a slightly upscale burger place. We enjoyed a delicious dinner, Tae chatted about his bandmates and me about my best friend.

"I don't know where I would be without Kang, he is more family to me than my actual family." he slowly whispers the last part. I respond, "Do you not get along with your family?" He shakes his head no. He then grabs my hand, "I want to share everything with you, Rina, I do. Just not today." I nod my head.

"Of course" In my head, I question it though. Why not tonight? Am I not trustworthy? I feel a little irritated, but decide it's better to believe him.

He tells me he's going to head to the bathroom. Our waiter stops by and I ask for the check. She tells me that my boyfriend already paid. Boyfriend? Cold ran down my veins. I instantly was in a bad mood, I told him I was going to pay. I don't like that he keeps doing this. As soon as he's back at the table I scowl at him, "Why did you pay? I told you it was my treat." He smiles, "Rina I want to treat you, I want to take care of you any way I can. Don't question it, just let me. I'm your boyfriend, that's what we do, pay for dates."

I scowl, "I do not want to be taken care of, I am getting paid to take care of you, so please don't do this again." I stand up and look at him furiously, "and you are not my boyfriend."