Chapter 25

"Oh my sweet Rinnie, I didn't realize you were this hopeless." I shrugged. Tori continued, "What am I going to do with you?"

My house was dead silent, me and Tae only shared a few words over the past agonizing two days. I couldn't take it, and I didn't know what to do. I reached out to the only person I could trust. Here I was sharing everything that has happened to me since walking into that hospital room. The part, that this mysterious man is Tori's bias, was purposefully left out.

I continued for 30 minutes, while she chewed on her straw. This was why I loved her. She didn't stop me and she completely understood everything I said. She didn't question my judgement. She trusted me. If only I could trust the same was she does.

She paused, "If I am counting the days right, I think the day that my sweet best friend lost her virginity was also the same day that I had this strange dream."

"What kind of dream? Wait.. what? I just told you about a lifetimes worth of craziness going on right now and you are trying… trying to tell me about a dream?" I gulped.

"Yes I am. Just listen. A character in one of my K-Dramas was telling me he loved me, and that he would help me take care of this baby." She flattened her lips, and look me dead in my eyes.

"Don't get pissed, but what if it was a conception dream?"

My eyes bulged out of my head, "What the hell are you talking about? Who is pregnant? Not me. Not you? Right?"

Tori fought back, "Did you even use protection?"


My heart started to pick up pace. We didn't. "... But I was on my period. I don't think you can get pregnant on your period."

She furrowed her brows at me, "Just because it isn't common doesn't mean it can't happen. Don't worry it honestly is probably nothing, just hope your period comes this month. Anyways, for your situation. Not everything needs to be made up in your mind, things can happen that aren't planned. That's okay. I know you Rina. I know how you feel, trust me I do. I just can't bare to see you alone anymore. You never let anyone into your heart. I just want you to be happy." I heard a sniffle from Tori's direction. I couldn't face her directly as she spoke.

Then I began to cry. I was so sick of crying. Shouldn't life just fit together like puzzle pieces? Why was it so hard.

"Rina, even if Tae leaves you, or even if he stays. You will always have yourself. It may not be perfect for you, hell I know it hasn't been perfect for you but please try. Try to let go, try to put yourself in others shoes, try to think before you speak. If you don't, this situation will arise again. Same story, different man. Tae truly did nothing wrong. You didnt do anything wrong either, but if you can't learn to give up control. You won't find happiness."

The shitty part was I knew she was right. Every word, I wanted to commit it to memory. I would do better. I had to do better.

"Thank you Tori. I knew you would call me out on my shit. I'll try to be better. I really will. I just have one more problem."

Tori raised her eyebrows and sipped the last of her liquid sugar. "How do I fix this with Tae? I think I've ruined the relationship. He obviously hates me, and hasn't spoken a word to me."

She chuckled, "If what you told me is true, about everything. I don't think he hates you. I think he hates himself for pissing you off and is punishing himself. I could be wrong. I'm usually not though. I know a way we can test the theory though."

My eyes followed every word off her lips, hoping to make everything right again. "How?"

She flashed a smile, "We get hot girl wasted."