Chapter 40

Black leather surrounds me, my eyes following the dark gray stitching. Would leather be good for kids? I'm sure it wouldn't stain, but it gets hot in the Vegas summers. That doesn't seem safe, right? 

This car is incredibly luxurious. I begin to get worried that I might ruin it. I'm an adult though, so I can handle this much. 

Thick silence sits in the air, but it feels safe in a certain way I can't describe. I don't really have much to say, I was literally a crying fool 5 minutes ago. If I was Dr. Hart I think I would ask me to get coffee too, who just leaves a pregnant woman crying in a hospital parking lot at 6 am? He is known for being extremely nice to his patients, am I his patient right now? 

Is this a coworker thing? Or a patient thing? I crinkle my nose at the thought. I caught Dr. Hart stealing a glance at my face, probably checking if I am still crying. Then he clears his throat, 

"How are your turtles?" and I feel a slight relief, we are coworkers right now. 

"Actually, I haven't been able to spend as much time with them, but they are good. I think I might need to give them a bigger enclosure though." 

"I'm glad to hear, I haven't gotten an update in a few weeks." He pulls the car into a parking stall of a small cafe near the hospital. I quickly pull down the visor mirror to rub away the mascara at my cheeks. He opens up the glove box at my knees and pulls out some wet wipes. 

I'm surprised by the gesture and the fact that he is so prepared. When I look into the mirror I'm horrified at my face, and he didn't think to say anything. Maybe he was waiting until we were stopped. My mind wanders on that thought as I clean up my face. I hear the door open as I'm finishing up and Dr. Hart for the second time has opened my door. 

"Thank you, Dr. Hart" 

"Please just call me, Ben." I nod. 

He gets the door again as we enter the establishment and stand to look at the menu. After my eyes begin to wander, he asks me if I am ready. 

I opt for an orange juice and a plain bagel with cream cheese. They appear to be the safest option and he orders the same. I pull out my small wallet from my pocket and grab my credit card but Dr. Hart puts his phone to the scanner quicker. He gives me a bright smile, "It would be weird for the Doctor to not pay." 

His smile is handsome, straight bright white teeth. A strong jaw, and masculine lips all match perfectly. They don't make my stomach flutter like J's dad. I gasp a little, and Dr. Hart looks my way, "Are you alright?" He leads me carefully to a booth to sit down in. 

"Oh, I'm fine. Just lost in thought." Which isn't too far from the truth. I just nick-named the baby without even giving it a proper thought. J is cute though. I like it. 

"How are you feeling, Rina?" He glances down at my stomach. "I'm doing much better now, thanks to you." He nods his head, "I'm glad, so when is your first OB appt?" 

Maybe I was wrong, this is totally about me being his patient, not a coworker. 

"They won't see me until I am 8 weeks, I think that is in about 3 weeks. My friend is helping me schedule everything. I am actually going to move in with her this weekend." I stop. Why am I even saying all of this? 

"Oh, so you are about 5 weeks, and already this sick? I'm not an OB expert but I'm not sure that is normal unless, well I guess you will know soon enough." I think I have a vague idea of what he is talking about but I can't stress anymore. I put those thoughts out of my mind. 

He continues, "You have a friend that is helping you?" 

I nod. "Best friend since kids, I don't have any helpful family. It was her idea to ask a doctor for nausea medication." 

"I see, Tori, is her name? Right?" 

I gasp, "How do you…?" "You said her name first when asking for the prescription." His eyes shift, and he clears his throat.

"Rina, I'm sorry if this is overstepping but, is the father in the picture?" 

I take in a solemn deep breath, "I guess not." His eyebrow cocks, "You guess?" 

He left for another country and I haven't heard from him since. I pause.

"Tae Woo Shin? If I remember correctly." How does he remember that and even put two and two together? But there isn't a point in denying it. "I am impressed by your logical deduction skills."

"What about health insurance? You said you didn't have any a few days ago." 

I chuckle. "Wow, you really remember everything?" He locks eyes with me. "When it comes to you, yes." I shiver. Was that a declaration of some sort? I mean we are close friends at work. Either way I choose to ignore it. I just don't have the capacity to have feelings for anyone. I didn't before Tae and I sure as hell don't know. 

"I'm not sure about what to do with the insurance situation, I can't afford to have the baby without it. I might just need to get a different job. My friend, Tori, asked me to marry her so I can be on her insurance plan. I've thought it over seriously, two friends getting married. It's legal. I just know it won't go anywhere, we are both women and straight. It would prevent her from marrying a man she truly loves, I can't trap her with me. This is my mistake." I'm spreading cream cheese on my bagel, the knife is trembling with my feelings. I've never actually said any of this out loud. It feels nice. 

A large hand reaches over and steadies my hand. I look up, confirming its Dr. Harts, Ben's hand. 

His voice stutters at first but then speaks with a strong conviction. "Then trap me Rina, marry me."