Chapter 47


A few days earlier

"So he got really angry with me. I think I seriously fucked up our relationship." Kang looked sad, and I could see the remorse in his face. I felt terrible for Kang. I guess you could call me an asshole but TaeWoo deserved it. He hurt my best friend. I couldn't forgive that. 

"Good morning to you too, let's skip the greetings. Tell me exactly what happened." He nodded. 

"I asked him to grab a coffee after our scheduled interview. I think I got a little too aggressive. I mean I was upset with everything too. As soon as we sat down with our drinks I asked what the hell was going on with Do Hee. He didn't say anything and this might have been where I was a little too forward." 

"I am so sorry, I know you trusted me but I was so angry." He looks scared to speak. 

"Kang, just tell me what you did." 

"Well, after asking about the other woman I continued. How can you be out causing trouble for the managers, messing around with other women, and trying to break up the band? He had no response to my question and just said I wouldn't understand. Like hell I don't understand, you are messing around while there is a woman in America who is desperately in love with you and 6 months pregnant with your child. Then I may have called him some obscenities and walked out." 

I chuckled. "What are you laughing at?" 

"I just love you. I love how much you care." I smiled at him. He smiled back and I felt a slow tickle form in my belly. 

"Tori, I've been meaning to talk to you." His dark eyes swirled with emotion. "Will you wait for me? While I go to the military?" I paused. 

I had been so busy with Rina. I hadn't even spent a moment thinking of myself. I love him though. This conversation is easy. 

"Will I get a reward if I wait Mr. Kang?" I winked at him and watched a small smirk form on his lips. 

"I'll marry you." I wanted to play coy, but I couldn't. 

"Seriously?" He nodded his head and up and down. "I love you Tori. I know I've never met you and this is crazy but I want you. Literally since the first moment I met you. Throw up and all." We laughed. 

"I guess I'll have to wait until you finish your service before I can meet you." 

"Well maybe I can come on a vacation or something of the sort." His eyes got serious. "I'll talk to Tae Woo again. We need to figure this out for my nephew." 

Now the love of my life is at my door, with the man who ruined my best friend's life. 

What should I do?