Running out of time Part V

...It was a skill that turned the weapon in the user's hand into a crystal weapon.

“Crystal Weapon!” The sword in the user's hand was covered with a crystal-clear blade, which made it larger. He swung the sword around, causing the air to swirl.

“Cos!” Tan shouted.

“Cos what…?! I'm Kit!” said the young man who was slashing at the boss with his sword. While his face looked foxy, his eyes were much harsher than Cos'. “His time is over! In the following eight hours, this mighty Kit will rampage all over. That girl over there is a supporter, right? You should support me well. Don't let me die!” The man who claimed to be Kit ordered Lin impetuously.

“What do we do, Tan?!” Lin turned around and asked Tan for his opinion.

The person being asked looked at the man before him. The figure in the armor was up against the boss; the damage he received was much less than Blanche’s.