Guardian Part III

Soon after, Caldora Manticore appeared...

A seven-meter-tall beast stepped out from behind the sculpture. Its body was covered with black fur. Like a lion, it had a tuft of fur on the head. Its face was human, but its tail resembled that of a scorpion, covered in a whirlwind. Its black eyes stared at the intruder. Its four-pointed feet were capped with onyx metal. When the boss took a step, the clatter of metal paws and the stone floor resonated. Every step it took brought disaster to those nearby. In no way was death a pleasant experience.

Caldora manticore shook its neck. Its gaze still stared at the intruders. An audible clattering sound was created as its metallic mane swayed. Around the human-faced lion's body, a soft wind circled. A roar resounded through the hall with the sky as the ceiling as soon as the black eyes realized they were enemies. It sounded like a battle horn, signaling the beginning of a war...