Guardian Part V

Tan could now summon the strongest Summon Card in his deck...the Undead Dragon.


Undead Dragon (14 stars ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰)


Type: Summon


Race: Undead Element: Dark


A light dragon from the old world that died in the era of god’s war. The soul has never left the body which turned it into an undead dragon that has high Attack but low Defense in exchange for an exceptional recovery rate.

- When appears, summon three 9-star Zombie Dragon Knights. The monsters cannot be used as a tribute to summon a monster.

- Consumes 25 MP to activate. There must be at least two Dragon cards in the Graveyard. One of which must be above 10 stars.


At this moment, there were more than two dragon cards in Tan's Graveyard. He was waiting for this moment when the 10-star dimensional dragon lost all its HP and fell into the Graveyard. The condition for summoning the corpse dragon was fulfilled.