Change Part II

“Well, everybody makes mistakes, am I right?” He tried to defend himself.

“When you formed the guild, I knew you made a mistake, but when you decided to invite all those girls, and Nicki had to kick them all out, I don’t think that was a mistake at all. It was more like you’re a pervert.” Tan spoke while looking at Edward from the corner of his eye.

“And why wouldn’t you invite Net to our guild?” Edward tried to change the subject.

“I’m nervous. If she’s in, I’d be terrified.” Tan replied. “I think she knows me well. That’s why she hasn’t asked to join our guild. She wants to look for some other guilds to join first. I think she is actually worried that Irene has to be stuck with that Rian guy, but she seems to like him a lot so Net doesn’t know what to do.” Tan said before letting out a long sigh.

“I know...pretty girls and bad men were meant for each other,” Edward said.

“I agree…”

“Net is quite cute actually,” Edward said.