Commotion Part V

“Rain is not here!” Tan shouted.

“What!?” Edward replied in a high-pitched voice as Rain was their main damage output.

“Rain…!” Lin called out in a shaky voice.

“Damn it what is this mess…?” Tan shouted out as he rushed in to help Aya, but before he took off, he grabbed something, something that might help them get past this dire situation.

“Equip…” Aya activated another card of her own as Paris Dark Designer was producing another dress. The card Aya used was Raijin sword, but her aim now was not to deal damage. She was worried about something way worse that could happen.

She feared that the dimension dragon combo of Tan’s deck would be used...

“Sunken Hope!” The young girl called out a skill she recently acquired. Her left hand was placed behind the blade. After that, the sword glowed with a faint blue light while Tan arrived at the frontline with Aya.