In Sight of the Finish Line Part IV

“Guys! Get ready! I can’t take it anymore!” Tan’s shout echoed through the guild’s communication system.

“All set!” Nicki replied.

“We’re good to go, Tan!” Lin said.

“We’re ready,” Aya chimed in.

“Go ahead, Tan!” Edward shouted excitedly.

“Do it!” Rain was ready as well.

As he heard everybody’s replies, Tan immediately summoned a screen.

“Guild Command!” He looked at the screen and spoke. “It seems like, after this, we all have to grind levels for this thing, so we have more options,” he said as he chose one of the options available. After that, Tan activated it loudly.

“Leader Call!” Tan activated a skill from Guild Command. Actually, he intended to keep it for a big battle on the enemy's aircraft in case they needed to team up, but now, it was for a different purpose. The skill was used to protect their own ship.