Port Town, Tear Drop…and Memories Part I


Two months before the aircraft tournament at Dusk Valley took place, before Tan got into D.W.O, at Bayorra, a coastal city at the southern part of the world map…

“Four hundred twenty thousand is more than cheap, bro! If I have to go lower than that, I'd rather keep it and feed the termite at my house as a snack,” a guy wearing a Hawaiian shirt and shorts told his customer.

“Bro…can you lower the price for me?” a guy who came with another guy and a girl asked. He wanted to buy the Tower Monster card which was available only at the North Tower in Caldia City located on the other side of the world.

“Who is ‘Me’? Bring her here, I’ll lower the price for her.” The owner looked around. “Maybe you're the one who named Me…” he turned to the only girl in the group.

“Hey…bro.” The buyer narrowed his eyes and looked at the owner who was making sheep’s eyes at his friend. “You try to pick up on a girl with that?” He was fed up as he spoke.