Second Stronghold Part II

“Go! the bridge, in ten minutes!” He turned to the others. They then ran after the man, leaving Tan and the rest behind in the middle of the graveyard.

“Awesome!” Earl's eyes widened.

“Damn it…” Ella groaned. “I didn't get much time to admire the boss... A glance at it doesn't satisfy me.”

“You guys are so good...” Gale said with a smile, “Anyway, you said we could join, but we didn't get the chance,” he said, laughing.

“We'll talk about other stuff later... We aren't done with them yet. Once or twice is not enough for this kind of person. We have to put an end to it once and for all. Bow down…they’ve got to bow down before me.” Tan sneered and sent everyone racing to follow the Fire Dragon guild to their next destination...

After that, Tanthai’s snatching bosses festival began…

Level 45, Guardian of Tar River has appeared...

“Summon!” Caldora Manticore appeared to the crowd's utter shock. After that, a level 45 steel-armored fish-like boss was quickly taken down…