Second Stronghold Part X

“You still haven't told me why you want to join Hell Gate?” Tan asked.

“Let me enlighten you fool. A person of my level is worthy of a prestigious guild, the guild that stands above all the rest,” replied the little boy stoically. There was clearly a mixture of arrogance in that voice.

“Then my guild is best for you,” Tan said with a smile. Everyone turned to him in response to his words, waiting for a reason in support of his statement.

“How in the hell your guild is best for me? Leave me alone. I’m not in a good mood today. I just broke up with my friend’s partner,” Cal said in a hoarse voice.

“Broke up with…friend’s partner?!” Edward repeated the kid’s words. He's a real pain in the neck.”

“My guild is the best for you...because I'm...gonna be king of the pirates,” Tan replied with a straight face, shocking everyone who heard it. Edward, who came to stand beside Tan, immediately turned to look at his guild leader.