Knights of the Round Table Part IX

“You forced me to do this,” Blanche said with a serious expression. He wielded the sword filled with power. Each time it moved a raging wind blew out. Blanche stabbed his enemy with it. However, the silver flame tiger from the Area Card came in to protect its owner. The Summon created a dozen silver flame swords and released them all at Blanche who was approaching.

“0…!” “0…!” “0…!” “0…!”

“0…!” “0…!” “0…!” “0…!”

“0…!” “0…!” “0…!” “0…!”

“What?!” A knight from the Riot Shield guild exclaimed as he saw his prided Area Card’s Summon did not do any damage to Blanche.

Hildisvíni plunged directly into the flame tiger. Once the blade touched its body, consecutive and harsh explosions emerged.




The devastating damage and explosion stunned his enemies. Even in the city where all the great knights gathered, most of them knew who the others were. However, nobody knew Blanche, yet his powers were comparable to that of the great knights of the game.