The Clock Is Ticking Part III

“Seriously?!” Tan exclaimed in a high-pitched voice.

“Judging from the information, there are actually ten of them here. Are we ever going to find them?” Tan said as he looked around.

“Just kill all of them and that's it. It’s not that difficult,” another man standing beside him said. He was in a pitch-black robe; his beard made him look tough.

“With the two of us?” he asked again.

“Well, you told me that it required two people. Your offer to bring Crystal Inferno back with me as a leader sounds interesting. At least during this month, we won’t have to be afraid of Hell Gate barking in,” replied the man in the robe.

At this moment, there were no other players around the two of them. They were both in the middle of a pitch-black desert, surrounded by a sweltering wind that caused the black sand to fly like a cloud of smoke.

“All we have to do is kill the boss with the party of two people, right?” asked the robed man.