Return once more Part II

“Soul Bomb!” As the skill was activated, the three Summons had bright lights appearing from inside them before they blew up violently, causing heavy damage to the boss. All the twenty-one swords were finishing their attacks as Kelvin reached his right hand out. He uttered the last skill as he folded all his fingers, making a fist...

“Ultimate Weapon!”

All the swords pierced through the level 200 boss at once. Explosions occurred twenty-one times. The swords’ last attack caused a calamity. The damage that appeared in the end shocked Tan beyond words...


“Oh god…” Tan exclaimed excitedly.

“So, that’s the max damage you can cause per attack in this game, huh?” Kelvin murmured when he saw the number. It was indeed the max damage per attack in D.W.O.