Return once more Part VI

“I won! I made the system appear with one sentence. You…saying I can’t do it, you have lost!” He was gloating and laughing at the same time. Kelvin shook his head, refusing to acknowledge it.

“Ugh! This is so frustrating…! Damn you… Sheet! Sheet! Pitt! Pitt!”

“Okay, loser, hand me your cards!” Tan said as he reached out for all of Kelvin’s high-level cards. Kelvin hesitated but as Tan repeated their previous bet on the system...Kelvin scooped and handed over his cards for Tan to choose from.

“Here! Take them! Damn it!”

“Let’s see. Hmm...any card that isn’t an X-Class Area Card, huh?” Tan mumbled as he looked through Kelvin’s cards in front of him. “I’ll take this one!” He picked up one Magic Card off Kelvin’s deck.

“Yeah! Sure, take it…but next time, I’ll win for sure!” The man in white responded.

“The rules must change though!” Tan smirked.

“Okay! You’re on!”