Mirror Castle Nephella Part I

“Aya is here,” said a man. Around him, a dim light emanated from the multicolored crystals. Reflections from the building glistened. The man moved his cap as he sat on the rocks in front of the Mirror Castle...that shone in the sunlight.

“Snow, order the Columgale to withdraw. This is more important,” said Tan, who was standing with his arms crossed while leaning against the stone wall.

“I already told them to withdraw, Boss.” She moved her glasses after speaking. “But the Wind Castle did not withdraw. The Columgale in Den of Living Weapon and the Sea God Church said they would try to find a path for us. Once this is done, we will be able to go to the boss room easily.” Snow, with three or four screens surrounding her, reported.

“Hmm... These guys are quite reliable.” Tan sneered with a pleasant expression.