Mirror Castle Nephella Part IX

The leader of the Mirror Winged Sylph…Mirror Winged Titania!

“What do we do, Tan?!” Lin asked in a high-pitched voice as she healed the people in the party whose HP was decreasing every moment. “I am running out of cards!” she shouted before summoning her Summon Card.

“Summon!” With that, up to twenty cards in Lin's deck were removed from the game, and another five were sent to the Graveyard. When everything was finished, golden flames spun around and wrapped in white flames. Finally, it took the form of an old man wearing a crown, raising his hand to the sky. His beard, which reached the ground, was ablaze with fire. The torn black robe fluttered even without the wind.

“Furahal…” The old man spoke up, spreading his arms and his hands upward. In both of his palms were swirls of white and golden flames. The Summon's lips continued to chant a spell as the light emanating from the flames grew brighter with every moment.