Mirror Castle Nephella Part XI

“One hit!” Tan hit the Mirror Winged Titania that was about to make the game over. However, seeing the damage dealt, the battle became more intense by the second.

“Just…one?!” Edward said as he saw the damage value. He looked at the point where Tan could damage the enemy. After that, he shifted his gaze to the enemy stat screen that appeared in front of him. “We’re all dead… This is a mass massacre.”


Mirror Winged Titania


Level: 322

Race: Fairy

Element: Ice

HP: 9,999

MP: 3,333

Attack: *****

(Special attack, deals 777,777 damage every attack)

Physical Defense: 999,999

Magic Defense: 999,999

Speed: 999,999

With the fastest Speed in D.W.O. at this time, able to dodge almost any attack.

With the highest Defense in D.W.O. at this time, able to withstand almost any attack.


“Is it the boss, Merchant?” Snow asked in a deep voice before walking out in front of Edward.