Song of Nephella Part III

“No need Lin…” Tan replied immediately.

“Really?!” Lin exclaimed.

“Yeah,” Tan replied shortly.

“Why don't you go back and grind for more items?” Edward tilted his head, looking at him.

"I'm bored."

“Clearly.” Edward nodded. “You still have some human qualities within you. I thought you could go on and on without getting bored.” The man nodded in understanding.

"I'm not tired of grinding for items. I'm tired of your face.” Tan's voice was so serious that Edward had to widen his eyes, but in the end, he laughed, “Just kidding! Nobody can just walk around in the same place forever...”

“I doubt it.” Edward narrowed his eyes at the person he thought was possible to do such a thing.

“Tan…what do you want Taka to craft?” Aya interjected. This caused Tan to turn his attention back to the card-crafting process.