Hesse and Kelvin Part VII

“You guys are something.” Kelvin looked at Tan from the corner of his eye. After that...the sixth sword was summoned.

“Sixth Blade...Fairy Dance!” A pair of slender and translucent swords appeared and floated around Kelvin’s body. When this sword appeared, Kelvin ditched the Silent Aurora Sword...before charging toward the Knights of the Round Table and Blanche who stood in front of him...with unimaginable speed.

Fairy Dance Sword...increased the user’s Speed several times.

Bagdemagus was killed in no time, but the rest of the knights had not fallen. Blanche and the three remaining Knights of the Round Table fought back. Even though Kelvin's sixth sword helped him get his footing back...it would not be enough to take down the challengers who possessed Area Cards.

“Those dragons are really annoying,” said Kelvin, looking up at the sky at his Polar Synchronize Sword pounding with Tan's dragons. As Kelvin finished his sentence...he raised his hand upward.