Abyss of Hell Part I

The first battle in the area of the Underworld Temple had begun. The presence of the enemy group did not frighten the mage who joined them. Cozy stepped forward when he saw the first seven cards appear in his hand.

“I should be able to handle it…” The Crystal Inferno mage said.

“The fire of life is born of a broken soul, the sound of the secret could be heard in an instant…” Cozy began to chant as Kelvin summoned an angel and a demon of 31 and 33-star respectively.

“Summon! Summon!” 31-star Ice Winged Angel Triestier appeared with Vanos, an ancient demon of caves and pits. Triestier’s figure was as transparent as polished glass. The icy wings fluttered and carried him above the ground. Vanos had a long, pointed nose without lips and dark eyes while both hands burned with strange green flames. Only the face could see the skin; the rest of the body looked like a collection of debris.