The Great Seven Sins Part VII

“All Link!” His highest level of damage link was activated. This skill would redirect all damage from everyone in the party to him and increase his max HP by 30%.



Level: 384

Job: Sunken Knight

Class: Regenerator

Deck’s name: The Knight

HP Max 24,700,000

MP Max 389. Regen rate 35 MP/minute.

SP Max 360. Regen rate 47 SP/minute.

Card Set in possession: Knights of the Round Table; 4 cards acquired.

- Bagdemagus

- Leodegrance

- Lancelot

- Holy knight, Galahad

Area Cards in deck: 4

Bonded Card: Army of Solingen.


“Revenge Blade!”

This crucial skill was activated. Revenge Blade was an essential part to Tan’s plan.


Revenge Blade


Active skill when holding a two-handed sword. Damage the player has been taking in the last 5 seconds after this skill is activated manifests itself as a shadow demon. Its attack is equal to the damage taken. SP 14 and pay 30% HP.
