The light dragon of Razenhide Part VI

“Come out… Turanga, Elemu.” Right after the call, in the sky was a lightning bolt. An eagle made out of lightning appeared, followed by something of black smoke that climbed up on the castle of wind before circling around its caster… the smoke snake Turanga.

Aya looked up at the top of the castle for a bit. She smiled before continuing to fight, “Those are cool guardians… Neph and those two.” She let out some air from her nose. The top of the castle was changing. Having Neph as a guardian enforced the strength of the castle of wind immensely.

Neph spun the two giant spears in her hands and pointed them at the aircraft that were advancing. Elemu and Turanga started attacking the enemy in front of them. The fairy of mirrors floated above the castle and opened both her arms out wide, the spears pointed in opposite directions. When she activated her skill that could only be used when she was a guardian… something changed.

“Mirror Reflection!”