"The breath of time. The desire of reality. Things have changed. I command in the name of mine, time shall skip, the heart of all things shall show itself, weapons and its accessories shall be under my command. Now You See Me!”
Kelvin cast a spell that was not that high level. Now You See Me was only a 19-star Magic card which was normally useless. But for Kelvin’s deck right now, he put three of these cards in his deck due to the large number of Equip cards, most of which... were above 25 stars.
Now You See Me (19 stars ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰10)
Type: Magic
The magic of releasing a High-level weapon. When triggered, a sword-type weapon over 25 stars, which requires activating time, will be immediately equipped to the player.
- Cannot be used by Mage.