Twelve against twelve Part VI

“What are we going to do, Tan?!” Edward's voice was high while seeing another Gatekeeper come out of the portal. The level that Serene the Gatekeeper stole from the player by the scythe was sent into a portal to summon its same race.

“Hey, Kelvin!” Tan shouted. The golden-haired man, who was battling roughly on the frontline, did not answer but only used the sword to attack the opponents. “You used to say that handsome people can do everything in the world, didn’t you?!” Tan shouted. The golden-haired man shook his head slowly before answering.

“Looks like this thing is out of this world, around Uranus!” Saying it, Kelvin sent a sword that flew by his side, attacking the enemy.

“You are a useless penguin!” Tan made an annoyed noise. But then a voice sounded from a nearby location.