Top of the World Part IV

“Area!” Eventually, the said card was activated. The Level B Area Card, Guardian Lighthouse, an Area Card in the form of a Magic Card…

The twin-headed dragon kept attacking in a large area. Tan and his friends backed up before the players from another server could notice. They were stranded in the line of fire against the Light and Darkness Dragon. They could not back away without sacrificing their back line.

This dragon was extremely strong… One attack from it would kill a Mage-class player with low HP.

Cal cast grand spells that caused the most damage among players. At level 500, his damage was so severe that the dragon jerked its body when the spell landed on it.

Snow cast her Water spells and commanded her Light Dragon to attack. Eizenger’s front line, Mat and Blanche, retreated behind the players from another server. They only used their skills to take away damage from party members to prevent deaths. If only they looked away for a second, someone might be gone.