Before the Announcement Part I

“No way! Why me, Tan?!” Edward shouted in the Crystal Castle's main hall. “I paid a billion for that guild photo booth you want. Why do you use me as a guinea pig?!” All eyes were on the financial manager of the Eizenger guild, who pointed at an eye-level machine made of gleaming silver metal. Its size was about one meter wide. A tiny compartment was located on the machine's right side, and a lighted screen allowing the player’s palm to authenticate identification was located in the front.

“Edward… It’s your money, so you have to try, right? And this is not a photo booth. This is the new card machine. We cannot obtain this card cabinet if the guild level is lower than 45. We have to try the greatest one like you at this sort of greatest thing.” Tanthai, Eizenger’s guild leader, tried to persuade.