Interdimensional City Part I

“Come quickly, penguin! This is not a time for you to slick back your hair to look more handsome. We are in a hurry. There is a new city, newly opened!” Edward shouted at the entrance of Star Crosser.

“I know, I know that I'm handsome. You don't have to repeat it.” Kelvin turned around as if to say, 'I am handsome. I can't help it'.

“Oh my, I am insulting him, but he only heard the word handsome instead.” Edward sighed. Other members already boarded this jewel-rank aircraft.

“Leave him, Merchant. This narcissistic player is important to our party right now. If the leader switches body to a boss again, our situation will not be as bad as we have just been through. At least this narcissistic player can still use Second Chance skill,” said Snow. She was in charge of piloting the aircraft to travel to the Interdimensional City that every server could access. High-rank items and the Grand Auctions were going to be arranged there.