Priests and knights Part VII

“Titan Fist!” Kit activated his skill. He summoned a giant fist to attack Galahad in leather armor, more agile than any other boss. As the fist thumped on the boss, Earl took the chance to get to Guinevere… as he activated a 34-star sword.

Priest Slayer… a sword that killed holy men. It had the ability to cause silence onto priest-class targets, preventing them from casting spells.

“Silent Sword!” Earl moved through all attacks to reach Guinevere, who was using skills to heal her party with her hands on her sword, a white cloud of smoke covered the sword. The Silent Sword skill had a similar ability as the sword in his hands. The skill enchanted the weapon, granting him the ability to prevent spells. The chance of success was at 1%.

“Insidious Weapon!”