Allies Part VI

“Eye of Ignite!”

The dragon controller used a skill that turned the Sand Dragon into a weapon, causing a huge increase in HP. When everything was set, Tan nodded to the target.

“Death when Light and Darkness shows the effect, three times the price you have to pay, Jegilga-kun.”

That was the hell Tan prepared for Hucken Alliance, sending them to the Wind Dragon boss room.

Jegilga died and was sent to the Church of Travelers, and when going outside the church gate, he was once again sent to the boss room of the Columgale Dungeon. Until in the fourth round, he realized that they were sent to another place...

...because Tan had more than ten Priests use a skill to open a portal in front of the gate of the Church of Travelers in Hucken, sending those who spurt out of the church to the boss room of the Columgale Wind Dungeon.

In the end, Jegilga and his allies were killed three times by Tan. In total, they lost five times the cards and levels from normal…