Clash Part III

And because of that, Agastia intended to burn Eizenger with Fallen Ifrit's flames, followed by a powerful raid of one of the strongest Fire-type Summons in the DWO world.

All Summons in the opponent's field were protected by Hestia's Illusion Flame Armor. Three Summons in the party had no weak spots, so no Summons could defeat them.

Fallen Ifrit attacked and healed…

Hestia created an immortal armor to protect the Summons of the attack force.

The Flame Drafugas was the ultimate destroyer. It used Immortal Time to cooperate with Fallen Ifrit's attack, aiming to end the battle.

But, despite Agastia's confidence in the first set of cards sent out, that card encountered the unexpected.

The cards that Nicki chose to use were not Limit Break cards. There were no dragons in the field at all. What all eyes could see were three Summons of the same type.

Nicki's chosen card wasn’t any powerful card, not even a limited number. This card was common in the DWO world.