Clash Part VI

“Huh…, what did you say, Nicki?” Cal tilted her head.

“Nicki!” Edward's voice was high.

“Huh?” Tan wrinkled his brows, and when Nicki told him the reason, the guild leader had to make a contemplative face.

"I’ll be here to help Nicki." The priestess offered herself.

“I'll be with you, Nicki! Those enemies are not ordinary!” Cal angrily declared what she wanted, while Aya, Taka, and Masami waited for Tan's orders.

“Okay… Blanche.” The leader sighed and looked at the guild knight. The tall man turned and looked back. Reading from Tan's expression and body signs, he could understand without a word.

“I was determined to be with Nicki anyway,” Blanche confirmed, turning his gaze to the woman who was standing nearby.

“Then the others, follow me.” Tan turned his back to the enemy and slowly walked down the stairs to the ground floor.