My Beloved World Part I

“Let's go, Net,” I said as my surroundings were beautiful beyond my dreams. Virtual worlds created things that did not exist for humans to see.

Feelings flowed through our two holding hands as a soft touch from the girl I loved who was covered in enchantment. The sound of music lulled over the vast lake. The mermaids of music sang. The vast expanse made it unable to see the shore. The remains of a gigantic castle that used to be the habitat of the giant race floated on the clear, still waters. The reflections of the stars made the sea surface sparkle when looking at it.

Thirty lines of glass bridges extended above the lake's surface. The legendary Lyra Beratrix Palace was at its center. It was a softly shining moonlit night when the twin moons appeared. Herds of glowing deer Miturius ran in the sky. The remnants of what remained were only the ruins of greatness.