Maybe I can still back out, yet my feet dragged me towards the road leading into the forest. Something about shuddersome places like these rushes adrenaline into my veins. After that long trek up the path, the road was already turning uneven.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the milestone, walked further ahead what seemed like another meter, and realized there were no further milestones up the path.

The woods seemed unapproachable the closer I drew to its entrance; the place seemed offbeat for its proximity to residencies.

I know I described the woods as unapproachable a few words back but the weather, the greenery, and its location make it almost a decent trek path.

I reached the entrance of the woods. A broken signboard hung by its last nail that stood by the corner of the road said, Ebony Forest.


Isn't that just a fancy name for black?

The forest seemed like a completely different world. It's so bright out here so why is it so dark there?

The forest seemed so dense- I didn't feel welcome for my second visit here. Don't judge me: I'm just trying to lift my mood via sarcasm I own in small amounts. They were so dense that they blocked the sunlight.

Are all these Ebony trees?

Stop thinking stupid things and go in, I told myself. Once more, deep breaths. The arrows were still pointing toward the wild path. I took a step in and felt a gush of cold air surrounding me. I quietly walked...my feet very carefully embarking on every leaf on the damp ground as though they had a conscience of their own.

The bark of the trees looked very human and was staring at me. Is Cyrus here by chance?

I tried my best just to look forward. My paranoia is getting to me. The arrows were starting to seem never-ending and the creepy feeling of being watched never left my mind. I reached a clearing in the forest, it looked slightly destroyed... a few plants and trees were broken down and wilted.

It reminded me of last night, and realized how badly I hurt them unknowingly. It made me feel hurt... I went and touched the poor plants, I sincerely hoped I had the power to revive plants. Nothing.

I guess my powers don't- A green glow hovered over me and the plant I held my palm towards. Once again I felt enormous warmth in my chest and felt it flowing through me into the wilted plant. In a matter of minutes, the plant revived. I did the same to all the other plants, I felt slightly exhausted yet my mind was satisfied and at peace.

Once more when I looked for the arrows, they pointed towards the left at a corner. My vision was blurry from the increasingly dense mist that employed the place, My eyes narrowed as I  saw a rock-like structure from a distance, my assumptions were proven wrong the closer I drew myself to the place. It was a vehicle with a broken door. It's the same.

I walked towards the car, my stomach uneasy as last night flashed before my eyes. I opened the car door to find my packets still safely tucked in. Yay! So much for the trouble. I grabbed my things.


Huh! What was that?

I looked back, and to my dismay, I couldn't see anything. I quickly looked through my bags and put on my new spectacles.

Phew! To think I'd have to fight enemies blind. I wore it and once again reviewed my surroundings... with a much clearer view. Still, there was nothing there.... Maybe it was my imagination. Rustle.

The sound arose from behind me, I turned around slowly gulping the situation.

A dog?

A midnight-coloured well-fed labrador sat in front of a bush steadily looking at me through its beady obsidian eyes. For some reason, it felt like it could see through my soul-as crazy as that sounds, my feelings were indescribable at this point. I like animals but standing in front of this particular being made me uneasy as though  I stood guilt-trapped in front of the teacher.

But aren't dogs in horror movies meant for jump scares? I cautiously looked at the ground looking for any set-up traps I might step on. As my sight shifted towards the place where the dog stood to my surprise I found nothing but an empty bush. I turned around and looked everywhere but I couldn't find anything.

Labrador!? That too well fed so deep in the forest. I looked behind but it had already disappeared.


Wait, where did I bury him? Nothing seemed dug out, maybe he's still buried. I thought of nothing more and made my way back with my things.


"Found you" A silhouette among the trees stared at Nisa's back with captivation.

"What are we doing with him?", he said, pointing at the garbage bag in the hands of the man beside him.

"We will do what she wanted"

"I see... It's starting to stink after all. Still, weren't you too cruel?"

Mutilated body pieces stood out from the garbage bag.

"You're saying that! when you always looked like you wanted to kill him. Regardless, don't forget who you are talking to."

"I know dear master," The voice said with as much sarcasm it could carry. As if I have forgotten how much destruction you could carry if someone even touched a strand of her hair.


I was still walking through the forest and it wasn't getting any better. Hazy figures seemed to pass by at lightning speed. The dense and huge trees blocked any sunlight into the forest; It was getting dark and I desperately wanted to exit the place before it got any darker.

I once again nervously glanced around at my surroundings, folding my arms across my chest and then once again blowing into my pale palms trying to bring up their less pale tone, whilst I gazed at silhouettes I assumed I was watching every once in a while. 

I didn't react, I remained poker-faced and acted as though I was not freaked out at all. This place just doesn't seem normal,  or rather I'd say paranormal. After a while of walking, I saw a beam of light coming from what seemed the end of the path. I rejoiced and ran as fast as I could to once more wrap myself in the warmth and my haven.

I felt so much better after getting out of the forest, the temperature had risen and everything around me seemed so much normal. The flowers seemed to look much prettier, I don't know they just did. I've always liked the sun, it makes me feel safe and secure. It gives me hope and comfort to wait for another day. Yet, I am cursed to not even be blessed by that.

I don't know why I am talking like some old woman on her deathbed. Isn't it already the second time I've pointed myself out this way? I am just 18 after all or maybe I was much older than this. While I conversed with the wind... I had already reached my destination.

It felt nice sharing my feelings, even though there was nothing but air. It felt like a weight being lifted off my chest. The wind makes me feel like there is another soul that I could share my burdens with. Someone I'd never have to befriend yet someone who's been there the whole time. I never realized there were so many things that solace me.

Nature.... I feel alleviated that the universe is trying to give me a hand, even if these words sound like my head is in the clouds. I want to believe so. I walked past the gates... this time nobody stopped me they bowed to me. Heh! My ego feels satisfied!!

I loosened my limbs while easing my mind (I might've looked like someone brushing off insects after he'd been in the wild for too long) and walked a bit more casually... looking at the people walking around made me feel more comfortable.

I was safe but am I a murderer?

Maybe that guy suffocated and died. But I did it in pure self-defense, it's not my fault... It's that scumbag's fault. I could feel my palms being sweaty as the question lingered in my mind.

Was it really necessary though?

All of a sudden I heard a child's scream and I was brought out of my reverie. I looked in the direction of where the noise seemed to be coming from. A group of people huddled around a 5-year-old kid. I asked around.

The kid seemed to have been playing around a bench(a bench high enough from the ground) and accidentally fell from it. Unfortunately, he fell on his head first. It was spouting blood with no resistance. I could see that the kid still hadn't awakened his powers.

What I meant was that powers aren't produced the minute you are born,  there is biologically speaking, an incubation period for every individual in existence that varies except for special cases. The average age limit varies among individuals in their preteens.

The mother wailed while speed-dialing for an ambulance. She even asked for a healer if there was one nearby. The mother's ability couldn't help... It seemed to be cooking at level SS. Damn! I am truly surprised. I guess she's a chef then.

There seems to be a laceration that requires immediate sutures. He must have quite literally cracked it open as he is a young child, thus having a soft skull. The blood needs to be stopped before it's too late. It could even lead to a coma.

Oddly enough I was able to assess the child's condition and I even had the urge to go treat him but could I save him? Should I rely on a forgotten memory or my instincts while I gamble with the kid's life?


So yeah I buried myself in the crowd, Though I had worked so hard to get to the front of the crowd thinking I'd provide the child with medical attention. I slowly moved toward the periphery of the crowd asking myself, with what qualication was I going to even save him?

And so I WATCHED the drama from the sidelines. I shook off these thoughts as I earthed myself back to normal.

What had gotten into me?

  No offense, but I had no choice and was there a reason I should be so nosy?

It seems like unnecessary trouble, there are a few saints who do it without hesitation but I am no such person. I think. I would probably be the most selfish person you could have met and the irony is that in my desperate moments, I shamelessly beg others to help me.

Hypocrisy is at its peak.

I surprise myself at how horrid I can be. I wasn't the only one though, a whole bunch of people did nothing but show sympathy. Though sympathy cures none, it's only human. This is how we are designed. At least, I wouldn't have to suffer the pain of failing. The guilt of not being able to save even when you tried.... taking responsibility. I don't want to.

I fear guilt - I fear it more than anything.

It wasn't until late when a young woman with dusky skin pushed through the crowd. Wavy hazel brown hair combed neatly into a ponytail and chocolate brown eyes in the shape of almonds gave her a humble yet charming outlook; a beautiful woman. She wore a sky-blue crop top and white shorts above her knees.

She didn't look American in the least but her accent seemed to be quite fluent. She pacified the mother, saying she could offer help. She carried a concerned expression on her face while she gently took the child in her arms and placed her palm over his wound. Her soothing circles of back rub calmed the child.

A bright golden glow radiated from her palm that surrounded the wound. I stared at her stats; impressive. 


AGE: 24



Is triple S all that rare? I've already seen another one besides me. The name seems Indian.  That's rare.

Should I talk to her? Nah! I will just make it awkward.

In a matter of a few seconds, she had already healed the child and the kid also seemed to have dozed off in her arms.


The mother thanked her a lot, while the audience conveyed cringe dialogues. To be completely honest, the whole scene looked cringe. But I shouldn't be saying that considering the situation. I couldn't bear the goosebumps anymore and left for the lift.

But can I ever do something like that? Saving someone? The question lingered in my mind for a while.

While I carried my things my- ahem way, not many people paid attention to me. I walked back, dragging my things with me. I reached my flat 158 and walked inside. Everything was going okay until I noticed an envelope on the ground near the door. I bent down and picked it up. A white paper envelope which had my name imprinted on it.

A letter?

Why is it addressed to me though?