
After Manny's very interesting birthday party and watching how people tried to cheer up the depressed kid. We all went back home, with more time going by as more than half the school year was already over. Alex and I have been openly together now, though I can tell recently that she has been going even more crazy with studying. As even when we are supposed to hang out she is focused more on studying.

By no means am I offended, as I was like that in my past life which makes me understand her reasons. Though I was trying to find a way to convince her to relax once in a while. However, as I was brainstorming ideas for helping Alex relax, my phone buzzed showing me that someone texted me.

'Hey G-man! It's your boy Phil! Alex's Dad. I got your number from Clarie, who got your number from Haley, who stole it from Alex's phone. Anyway, I just wanted to know if you wanted to come over, as Claire and I have some questions about Alex,' Phil texts me as I just stare at the text for a bit in surprise.

'Then again everyone in that family is slightly crazy,' I think to myself at how they all got my number through stealing it from Alex.

'Sure, I'll be over in a few,' I text Phil back.

'See you soon then G-man!' Phil texts me back with a gif too, from 'Step Brothers', that shows Will Ferrell saying 'Did we just become best friends'.

I was half tempted to text back just 'no' to mess with him. But knowing Phil I decided that would become a headache as he needs everyone to love him. After telling my parents I would be going over to the Dunphys, I walked to their house. Arriving Haley opens the door before I even knock.

"Oh! Hey Gabe, have fun with the crazies," Haley says while walking over to her Mom's car and leaving to where ever.

"Ok," I say as I enter the house to see both Phil and Claire in the backyard talking to Alex, who appears to be locked in the trampoline as Luke is videotaping it on his iPad.

"Hey Luke, what is going on?" I say making Luke jump in surprise having not expected me.

"Gabe?! What are you doing here?" Luke says calming down seeing it is just me.

"I was asked to come to help with something about Alex… did Alex lock herself in the trampoline?" I ask Luke as I watch Alex become more annoyed with her parents who are arguing with her.

"No, Mom and Dad were worried about her going crazy with the studying lately. Since she does this thing with her mouth, though I can throw some food in her mouth when she does it! It's awesome! I wish she'd do it again so I could show you!" Luke says as I just nod my head while understanding now that Phil and Claire locked her inside the trampoline.

"Oh, ok… well I'm gonna go talk with them now," I say while Luke goes back to recording it.

"Gabe! Please help me! These people have locked me in here against my will! I need to study for the test on Monday!!" Alex says seeing me come outside, as Claire and Phil turn to me.

"Gabe, why are you here?" Claire says to me as I give her a confused look with Phil looking away guilty.

"Uhm… Mr. Dunphy asked me to come over to talk about Alex," I say throwing Phil under the bus immediately as he gives me a betrayed look.

"Phil!!" Claire says annoyed with Phil now too.

"Gabe!" Alex says at the same time wanting my help.

"Can we let Alex out of the trampoline?" I say as they both turn back to me with Alex smiling at me for helping her.

"No! Alex needs to learn to relax and not just be studying all the time. She is throwing her childhood away, instead of enjoying it while she can!" Claire says as my eyes widen slightly.

"Enjoy it like Haley! Who just cares about boys and being popular?! Or Luke who doesn't care about school at all and instead just wants to play all day every day!" Alex says as Luke nods his head from the window in the kitchen while still recording this.

"You know what I mean Alex!" Claire says as Phil and I are thinking of what to say.

"Can I say something?" I ask as everyone turns to me and nods their heads.

"I agree with both of you. Alex should learn to relax more, but forcing her to do something she doesn't want to do won't help. Plus at the same time, Alex is right, if she wants to spend her time studying or doing homework, then she should. We each have to live our lives the way we want and as long as it doesn't hurt others or ourselves then who cares?" I say as Phil nods his head agreeing with me, as Claire and Alex both look annoyed that I didn't just agree with one side.

"She still should be enjoying life instead of letting it pass by!" Claire says as I sigh and before Alex can retaliate I speak up.

"She is. She is dating me and we hang out a lot. Plus she has more friends in school now that she is talking more to people. Though at the same time, Alex likes to study and learn, so if she enjoys that, then I say let her do it. As long as she is happy, then we should be happy too," I say as Alex smiles at me nodding her head, while Phil is doing the same.

"I… you… I'm sorry Alex. Gabe is right, you have been more sociable since you guys have become friends," Claire says as I nod my head.

"It's ok, plus the only reason I am studying so hard is Gabe's fault anyway," Alex says as I look at her confused.

"What? What did I do?" I say Alex rolls her eyes.

"Gabe aces every test, not even getting below a hundred percent so far. And he doesn't even study! While I have to study all the time just to get a hundred percent but mostly ninety-five percent! Then again Gabe won the genetic lottery, both his parents are extremely smart," Alex says as I give her a guilty look, with both her parents nodding their heads in understanding.

They then let Alex out who goes inside with me right behind her. As her parents come inside, then they notice Luke was recording the whole thing. Which broke out into an argument about that. Alex and I took this chance to go up to her room where we sat on her bed.

"So, I've been stressing you out… I'm sorry I didn't mean to, it's just… school comes very easy to me," I say to Alex who sighs and shakes her head.

"No it's not your fault, I just feel like I'm not good enough for you at times. Like I'm not as pretty as my sister and I'm not even smarter than you to justify that I have that over you. I feel… inferior," Alex says sharing her true feeling to me as I just listen and think of what to say.

"We already talked about this. I think you are more beautiful than your sister. Plus unlike most girls, you have plans you want to accomplish and are doing your best to accomplish them. You are in no way inferior to me or anyone else. I like you a lot Alex and will do anything to make sure you are happy," I say to Alex who just smiles at me with a few tears escaping her eyes, which I wipe from her face using my thumbs.

We then share a kiss that was not like the others we had, one that felt more passionate. The others were more hormonal due to our teenage changes. This one felt more like two people who really cared about one another instead of just lust.

"Do you think your parents will realize you called them stupid?" I ask Alex once the kiss is over and we just look at each other for a few seconds in silence.

"Not right away," Alex says with a chuckle.

"Damn, you are mean," I say to her laughing too as she laughs some more. We then start a makeout session.

"Alex! Did you call us stu–" Claire says as she and Phil came upstairs and opened the door to see us making out on her bed. As both Alex and I freak out with her shoving me off her, I fall to the floor while staring at her parents like a deer in headlights.

"Uh… hey," I say as Claire's eye twitches and as Phil has several emotions flash across his face. Phil at first was surprised, then happy, and then gave me an annoyed look.

"MOM! DAD! What the hell!!" Alex says as her face is beet red.

"No, what the hell you! I said to leave this door open when you guys have your boyfriends over! This is why!" Claire says as I stay on the ground not sure what to do in this situation.

"Really! Mom we've been dating for a few months now! What do you think we do?!" Alex says dropping the truth bomb as I feel more heated stares at me.

"You!…he!…Alex! From now on this door remains open of there will be no door anymore!" Claire says while walking away very angry and not sure what to have said.

"Two things guys. First, I am happy the two of you like each other this much. Second, your Mom is right please just… uhm… be careful," Phil says before leaving and going after Claire.

"Today… was interesting," I say once they leave with Alex letting out a heavy sigh.

"You should just head home. I doubt we will be able to be alone again anytime soon. I'll text you later," Alex says to me as I nod my head and go home.

"Gabe, tu papá necesita hablar contigo," (Gabe, your Dad needs to talk with you) Mom says once I open my door and she is giving me another look suggesting that she knows that Alex and I got caught making out.

"Ok…" I say as my Dad motions for me to follow him. We go to my room where he motions me to sit on the bed as he sits in my desk chair across from me. As my Dad looks like he is trying to come up with how he wants to talk to me about whatever it is he wants to talk about.

"Así que... sabemos que tú y Alex estaban... disfrutando de la compañía del otro. Aunque deberíamos hablar de lo que sucede si ustedes alguna vez... dan el siguiente paso. ¿Qué sabes sobre el sexo?" (So... We know you and Alex were... enjoying each other's company. Though we should talk about, what happens should you guys ever... take the next step. What do you know about sex?) Dad says while waiting for my answer as I just stare at him in shock not having expected the 'birds and bees' talk today.

"Lo sé... ¿podemos no hablar de ello?" (I know about it... can we not talk about it?) I say to him hoping to avoid this topic, due to me already knowing about pretty much everything especially since my other life saw and heard many people's kinks being a doctor.

"No, tenemos que hablar de eso. Para que sepas cómo estar... seguro al hacerlo," (No, we have to talk about it. So you know how to be... safe when doing it) Dad say as I sigh and nod my head waiting for him to tell me about.

The conversation felt like it lasted forever, as my Dad was both clinical and realistic about it. Once it was over he asked if I had any questions, while I just shook my head no. He then left as I sat on my bed thinking just what lead me to this point today.