
The first few minutes of the dinner were the most awkward situation I've ever found myself in, including both lives. As it was dead silent with only the sounds of eating being heard. That was until Maya decided to speak up, making me pray to God that shit doesn't explode in our faces while we are here. 

"Dad, how was your day?" Maya says trying to start a conversation while Eric has been staring down his Dad this whole time. 

"The usual, filled with meetings," John says while eating his food and not looking over to his daughter. 

"Oh, well I showed Gabe and Alex around the city today, or atleast as much as we could for today," Maya says really trying to keep the conversation going. 

"Good for you all," John says with complete disinterest, but Maya still doesn't seem to pick up on that. 

"We also–" Maya starts to say. 

"Maya, he doesn't want to talk. Nor does he seem to care, just let us eat in silence," Eric says while staring down his father with hatred. 

"Eric! How–" Maya starts to say again looking ready to hit her brother. 

"So, what is it you do Mr. Anderson," I say completely changing the topic before this shit can explode. Eric shoots me a glance, while Maya grumbles in annoyance. Alex has been just sitting here silently feeling as awkward as I am, I'm sure. 

"Originally my company was a Law Firm, which it still is mostly. However, I've been investing in other companies over the years slowly taking control of them or investing enough to have a voice. Then my company has been running them in my stead and making sure all their legal issues are taken care of," John says looking over to me and explaining how they became so rich. 

"You must be a great businessman to have made all those good investments," I say trying to keep this conversation going until dinner is over. 

"Yes and no, it really is just taking into account several things. How long the company has been around, how much revenue they make on average, and if what they make or do is going to be needed still or in the future," John says explaining the basics of his investment strategy to me. 

"I see… are you also a Lawyer?" I say to him since he did say his company was originally a Law Firm. 

"Yes, I have my Law Degree from Harvard and passed the Bar in several states across the US," John says to me nodding his head. While I was trying to think of what else to talk about to avoid a blowout. 

"If you'll excuse me, I have some business I still have to attend to," John says taking his leave after Albert comes back in and whispers something to John. 

"Oh thank god," I say under my breath after John leaves, with Alex giving me a side look having heard me. 

The rest of the meal ended rather quickly after John left, with everyone finishing up. Then Maya dragged Alex along to her room, while Eric brought me to the roof of the building where there was a pool and a small bar near the poolside. Along with sunbathing seats along the poolside. 

"Want something to drink?" Eric says walking over to the minibar and rummaging around in it. 

"Definitely," I say after having experienced that extremely awkward dinner. 

"Sorry you and Alex gotta spend this spring vacation with us," Eric says walking over with a bottle of whiskey and pouring us both a glass. 

"Like I said this is what friends are for, plus I'm sure if we went home the drama wouldn't be all that different," I say imagining the crazy shit going on at home right now. 

Eric and I then just sit in silence looking at the city at night while drinking the whiskey. After an hour and finishing off the bottle, we see Alex and Maya come up here wearing their bikinis. I was feeling buzzed due to finishing off a bottle of whiskey with Eric. 

"OH GOD THE WATER IS COLD!!" Alex says after going into the pool as Maya just jumped in looking unbothered by it. 

"Want some drinks to warm you up?" I say as Eric and I hold up our empty glasses to the girls. 

"YES PLEASE!" Alex says while shivering. 

"I'll get our swimming… uhm pants," Eric says as he wanders back inside and I grab the girls some drinks. 

Eric then came back a few minutes later with him and me changing quickly behind the bar. First I changed as I was mixing drinks and then he changed since I handed them over to the girls. I then walked into the pool and it was cold, but not unbearably. 

"I think it is nice," I say walking in toward Alex who used my body for warmth. 

"So warm!" Alex says grabbing onto me and holding her drink with her free hand. 

"Let me turn on the jacuzzi," Eric says walking over and pressing some buttons near the bar. Then the jacuzzi attached to the pool on the far end turned on. 

"Fuck yes!" Alex says quickly running over to it as I slowly make my way over. 

We all then hung out and got drunk. I blacked out which was the first time this happened to me. Even in my past life, I didn't drink much unless I was at a social gathering, then maybe I had a drink or two. 

"My fucking head," I grumble as I sit up in the guest room Alex and I are staying in. 

'Thank god I made it back here… Nice,' I think seeing I'm naked and next to me still passed out is a naked Alex in our bed. 

Standing up I stretch before walking over to our things to grab some Advil. The morning light from the window made the headache worse. 

"GABE!!" I hear someone scream my name behind me making me groan in pain.

"What the fu– Maya?!" I start to say thinking Alex screams making my head hurt even more, then I see a naked Maya standing there by our bed. Like she fell off after sleeping next to Alex. 

"Oh fuck!" I say trying my best to remember last night yet nothing is coming to me. 

"What the fuck guys! My head is killing me more now," Alex says sitting up groaning. 

"Maya?... Why are you here and… naked? Holy Shit what did we do last night?!" Alex says seeing the three of us naked while I'm panicking on the inside. 

'Did we all fuck?! Did I have my first three-way and can't even remember it? Am I ok with this? Is Alex? What the fuck happened last night?!' I think while trying to wrack my brain for answers as we all stare at one another with uncertain looks. 

"I'm… I'm gonna go," Maya says running away to her room.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" I say looking to Alex who shakes her head. 

"I don't think we did anything… I'm not sore and there are no stains suggesting we did anything. Maybe we just took our clothes off for whatever reason…," Alex says as she tries to make reason of what the hell we just woke up to. 

"I hope you are right," I say though a small part of me being a man was saddened at learning I didn't have a three-way. 

'Would I be upset seeing Alex and Maya doing things together…' I think to myself imagining the situation. 

'Not if I was involved too and Maya was just a friend-with-benefits type of thing. Then again those things never really work out… Why am I even thinking of this?' I think as Alex and I are just sitting there trying to think. 

"We should shower and get dressed," I say as Alex nods her head and we get in the shower. 

"So… What do we do?" Alex asks me as we are showering. Our headaches have calmed down slightly due to the water and meds.

"No idea… Like you said I don't think anything happened, so we can just act like nothing did…," I say with a shrug. 

"But what if something did happen, why would Maya even want that?" Alex says bringing up that possibility. 

"Well, uhm… I have no idea how I feel if something like that did happen. Secondly, well… that thing I wasn't supposed to tell you, I'm gonna tell you only because that just happened. Eric told me…" I said to Alex and explained to her what Eric told me on winter vacation. 

"Fuck… That explains a lot," Alex says after hearing and we got out of the shower drying off. 

"I thought I kept seeing Maya checking out some of the girls in the club, even me once. Then we became friends and she didn't look at me like that again… Holy shit Gabe what if Maya and I did things!!" Alex says as I stare at her now processing that information. 

"Uhm… Then I'd say, how does that make you feel? As for me, well I'd be upset since that'd be cheating, but at the same time if I'm being honest… I'd be turned on by that only because I'm a man, but that is a whole different story," I say to Alex being completely honest with her as she stares at me for a bit with a deadpan look and I just look at her awkwardly. 

"I was just being honest!" I say defending my horny monkey brain. 

"What if I said that I'd want to watch you with another man? Then maybe do things with you both?" Alex says to me turning the tables on me as I stare back at her with an angry disgusted face. 

"Touché," I say to her as Alex nods her head throwing my own words back at me. 

"So then what do we do?" I say as we both are back at square one, with what to say or act around Maya. 

"I have no idea…" Alex says as we both sigh. 

"Do you think we can hide in her the rest of the spring vacation?" I say jokingly and Alex just sighs leaning her head on my shoulder. 

"I wish," Alex says as we both go quiet. 

"Hey, you guys coming?! Breakfast has been ready for a while now! Plus my Dad is out at his company!" we both hear Eric say as he knocks on our door. 

"We are coming!" I say back as Alex and I take deep breaths before walking out. There we see Eric staring at us with a weird look on his face. 

"What?" I say slightly nervous that maybe he knows. 

"Do you guys remember anything from last night? Because I woke up completely naked next to the jacuzzi," Eric says to us as we both look at him and shake our heads. 

"Yeah, Maya said the same thing… What the hell did we do?" Eric says walking to the dining room. 

Walking into the dining room we see Maya just sitting down to eat too. The three of us all make eye contact as we all stare at one another awkwardly. Eric gives us all a confused look at why we are all acting weird. 

"Did I miss something?" Eric says looking at us all being awkward around one another. 

"NO!" Alex blurts out making things even more obvious that something weird happened. 

I just sigh shaking my head, as Maya looks away nervously. Eric then looks between us all while trying to piece together whatever he thinks happened together. Then his eyes slowly widened as he seemed to have pierced something together in his head. 

"NOOOO!!" Eric says as his eyes widen.