
Alex and I walked into the Dunphy House that weekend, where her parents were only expecting dinner with their daughters and their daughters' boyfriends. Inside I see Phil and Andy talking about their work since Andy is now one of Phil's employees as Phil started his own Realtor business. As Claire is finishing cooking with Haley helping her. 

"Alex, Gabe!" Phil says seeing us and walking over giving us both hugs. 

"Long time no see," Phil says with some sarcasm after our hugs. 

"So how has everyone been since Dede's passing?" I ask him out of courtesy. 

"As well as I'm sure you can imagine. They were upset, but it passed quickly, as they were not that close with her," Phil says as Alex escapes her Father to go see Haley and Claire. 

"Hey Gabe," Andy says shaking my hand and giving me a nervous look as it seems he knows the real agenda of this dinner. 

"Hey Andy, how's it like working for Phil?" I say to keep things going and avoid the awkward conversation we are all going to have. 

"Awesome! He's the best boss I could ask for. Plus we are killing it, together we are selling so many places," Andy says with an excited look, as I now understand Andy is just like Phil. 

'Seems Haley is going to marry someone similar to her Father,' I think as Phil smiles hearing Andy and the two start joking about some of the people they met during their sales. 

"Dinner is ready!" Claire shouted as the three of us talked for about half an hour after Alex and I arrived. 

We all entered the kitchen and took a seat at the dining table. Phil and Claire both took a seat at the end of the tables. With Alex and me on one side, Alex next to Claire, and me next to Phil. Haley and Andy mimicked our seats across from us at the table. 

We all grabbed our food and started talking about everything that had been going on with us for the past few weeks. The awkwardness finally disappeared as we all ate the food Claire and Haley helped make. Seems Haley is trying to learn to be more like her mother. 

"Anyone want more wine?" Claire says as I shake my head since I'm going to be driving us home. 

"No thanks," Haley says turning down her mother again as she has all night long. 

"You know, you used to want a glass a night like Claire, but it seems you broke that habit," Phil says making Claire shoot him a glare as the four of us share a nervous look. 

"Uhm, about that… I guess we should tell you…" Haley says as I'm starting to question my lack of drinking. 

Alex downs her glass pouring another, while Andy has a strained smile on his face. Phil and Claire share a confused look until both widen their eyes now coming to an understanding. 

"I'm pregnant," Haley says as the entire room goes completely silent and the atmosphere turns completely awkward like that first dinner we had with the twins years ago. 

"Is that true Gabe?" Phil says and turns to me making everyone look at me confused completely. 

"Dad?!" both Alex and Haley say getting very annoyed with what we all think Phil is implying. 

"What? Gabe is a doctor now, so he'd know for sure," Phil says explaining his reasons making everyone now have an understanding of what he meant. 

"Yes, Haley is pregnant," I say nodding my head. 

"How long have you all known?" Claire says seeing that the four of us knew for some time now. 

"Gabe and I have only been aware the last couple of days," Alex says defending us from her mother immediately. 

"I've known for a few weeks, with Andy knowing not long after I found out," Haley says with a sigh, as Claire looks stressed completely now. While Phil looks betrayed that Andy, his only employee, hasn't told him. 

"You could've told me sooner Andy," Phil says looking sad, with Andy giving him an apologetic look. 

"I wanted to! But Haley told me to wait until we knew for sure she was pregnant!" Andy says throwing Haley under the bus in a way, as Haley glares at Andy. 

'Damn, they all are similar. Haley is like Claire and Andy is like Phil… fuck that is kinda weird,' I think seeing them react similarly to one another. 

"So do you guys have any plans? Haley, you still don't have a solid job and you both are living here," Claire says wanting to know what their plans are. 

"I've been saving up a lot and we were already looking into buying a house soon. That's why I've been working later, I was looking into getting our own house," Andy says to Claire, then turns to Phil explaining why he was working late. 

"I could help you guys!" Phil says very upset Andy didn't confide in him. 

"We'd love that!" Andy says nodding his head, he and Phil share a smile looking like BFFs. 

"Haley–" Claire says seeming satisfied that Andy is atleast somewhat prepared. 

"I've got a better job, Gabe's Mom has helped me get one with their family's business. They also understand I will have to go on leave sooner rather than later with the baby coming. Plus Alex and Gabe helped Andy and me join the hospital's program to teach new parents about being parents," Haley says giving her mother a look that she has matured into a fine young woman. 

"Ok… ok, good…," Claire says with a heavy sigh processing all this information. 

"So, wait, Gabe are you going to be the babies Doctor?" Phil says breaking the silence that took place after the news started to settle into the parents. 

"No, I'm not that kind of Doctor. Though I know of a good one at the hospital that is going to meet with Haley next week for her first appointment," I say as they all nod their heads. 

"I'm going to be a Grandfather!" Phil says excitedly and grabs Andy's hands as they both celebrate for different reasons. 

"I'm going to be a Dad," Andy says as he celebrates with Phil. Both Claire and Haley look happy at the two men's excitement for the baby. 

'Wait… isn't she going to have twins? Fuck it, that's their problem now,' I think remembering Haley has twins in my past life. 

"Gabe, you want to house hunt with us? That way when you ask Alex to marry you this weekend you'll have a house in mind?" Phil says blurting out my plans as everyone's eyes widen at the news. 

"Wait what?!" Alex says looking over at me. As I sigh and Phil looks at me apologetically for spilling the secret, it just seems his excitement got the better of him. 

"Yeah… I had all these plans. Though it seems they went out the window just now," I say with an annoyed look at Phil who is sheepishly smiling at me. 

"We are getting married!!" Alex says grabbing me and kissing me excitedly not even caring that my thought-out plans are ruined. 

"So that's a yes?" I say after we break the kiss and Alex gives me an eye roll. 

"Obviously!" Alex says kissing me again. 

"Though, still go through with the plans! I'm sure you worked hard on them, but at least you know my answer," Alex says smiling at me as she snuggles into me. 

"Yes!! Both my girls are all grown up and starting their own families! I can't wait for you two to get married and for them to have kids," Phil says smiling to himself at his future of being surrounded by grandkids. 

The rest of the night we all celebrate the news of Andy and Haley's soon-to-be child. Plus the news that Alex and I are getting engaged even though Phil ruined the surprise. The following weekend comes and I'm not nervous anymore since Alex has already agreed. Now it's more about making it a memorable experience for us. 

The plan went as follows, first Alex and I went out to the restaurant where we had our first official date as a couple. Then we went to the movie theater to see the newest movie Alex wanted to watch. Then we'd go to the park at night where we sneak off when we were younger. This is where Carlos set up a small picnic for us with wine and cheese. Here as we are watching the stars I'd have surprised her with the ring. 

"This is amazing Gabe! Just like our first date!" Alex says as we are lying down and looking at the night sky. 

"That was the idea… So, Alex, will you marry me?" I say smiling at her and bringing out the engagement ring, that I had made for her a couple of months ago. 

"Yes! Obviously Yes!" Alex says smiling and jumping into my arms kissing me. 

"Did it live up to your standards?" I say as we break the kiss. 

"Yes, now take off your clothes," Alex says and starts removing my shirt before I can answer or do anything. 

"Alex–" I say looking around to see if anyone is nearby. 

"No one is here. We can have some fun and then continue at home," Alex says and at this point, I don't care anymore. 

We then spend an hour longer at the park than I originally planned, before quickly dressing and heading home to continue there. After a very long night, the next day we thankfully had off, so we could sleep in before going back to work the following day. 

However, on our day off Alex already started making a rough draft of our wedding, so our first day engaged was already spent planning the wedding. We planned an engagement party in a couple of weeks, with everyone from our families congratulating us. The next day we went to work, where like usual I sat in House's office waiting for him with the new three members of the team waiting too. 

"GABE!!" House says busting into the room, staring me down looking very annoyed and offended. 

"I heard you are having an engagement party and I wasn't invited?!" House says walking over to me and taking my coffee for himself. 

"I drank out of that," I say as he drinks my coffee giving me a hard look. 

"Tastes like shit," House says dumping it down the sink. 

"Plus I figured you wouldn't come since you know you hate people and parties," I say shrugging and grabbing myself a new cup of coffee as House scoffs at me. 

"That's for me to decide to no show your party or come fashionably late," House says giving me a flabbergasted look. 

"Fine… House want to come to my engagement party?" I say giving him a deadpan look. 

"I'll let you know what my schedule looks like later," House says as the group stares at us. 

"Ok, my little idiots, today we actually have a case. Plus maybe it'll show Gabe the joys of marriage," House says smirking at me. 

"A woman who has recently embraced Hasidism collapsed at her wedding. Although, she was a previous rock producer and is now a devout religious type. If you ask me that is the reason for her collapse," House says passing out the patient's info. 

"Let's all go talk with these people," House says walking out of the room without waiting for us, so we all quickly follow after him. 

Walking into the room we see a woman in her mid to late thirties, with a man in his late to early forties pacing the room. The man though was a Hasidic Jew, with short black hair that had twin tails of hair on either side of his head, a thick beard, and a yamaka on his head. Seeing us they all look at us, while House has this shit-eating grin on his face, making me worried about how he is going to antagonize these people.