Chapter 3 A mother's Lament

After Kamino Ward, everyone had gone home with a piece of their hearts missing. All Might, also known as Toshinori Yagi, had stepped down as the No. 1 Hero, the world discovering his true form. The school found it to be the best course of action to have all the students move into the dorms for better protection and both All Might and Aizawa were making trips to the student's homes.

Bakugou sat on the family's sofa next to his father as his mother went up to answer the door. He was quiet, a lot more quiet than usual but both his parents understood why and didn't press him further. They knew their Katsuki was one to think at times like these, and the best action for them to take was to watch out for him and support him.

"Thank you for having us." All Might's 'new' voice sounded so much different. There wasn't any pep in his words, he sounded tired, groggy and old. Bakugou would've never said that out loud, but still, this man was his idol. Deku's idol as well.

He looked up at him as both teachers took a seat.

"We've told you ahead of time," Aizawa started gently. "We'd like to hear your answer and give insight on any questions you may have. We understand that these are difficult times and you'd rather prefer to be with your son-"

"It's fine with us!" Mitsuki, Bakugou's mother, grinned and slapped the backside of his son. Bakugou's face scrunched up.

"Don't hit me you HAG!" Another hit to the back of his head.

"Respect your mother you LITTLE SHIT!" Both Toshinori and Aizawa blinked, feeling like they understood why Bakugou was the way he is. The bickering went on for a while, Masaru Bakugou trying to step in but with no results. Mitsuki turned back towards the teachers, her face softened.

"Considering everything that's happened, there really isn't any reason to not let our Katsuki stay with you. They told us that he was targeted by the villains and was nearly kidnapped." She left out the reason why he wasn't taken. "If he's still in danger, well, what can me and my husband do?" It was a truth that lingered over the two parents.

"We're not heroes, obviously. But our Katsuki is strong. Mr. Aizawa, I remember what you said about my son during one of his matches during the sports festival. He's not dumb, he's clever, careful, and driven!" She laughed, placing a hand on her son's head.

"Everyone knows about what happened to Izuku in this neighborhood." She brought up the name that left everyone silent, frozen and in pain. "This family still believes in you all, and we trust that you'll take care of our Katsuki and bring back Izuku." Her face was hopeful, a small smile reached them. Bakugou looked away. His mother had been school friends with Inko, before she got married and kept their friendship throughout Deku and Katsuki's childhood. It was probably the reason why the two boys were always around each other when they were younger.

Mitsuki had once told him that while the boys were going to U.A, Inko Midoriya had voiced her concerns to her and admitted she was scared that her son would continue to be harassed by Katsuki. She had lectured him about that and he begrudgingly had to admit that Izuku "Deku" Midoriya was no longer someone that could be pushed around.

The Bakugous bowed their heads to the teachers, thanking them for their time and care.

As All Might and Aizawa headed out, the young fiery boy ran out to stop them both. His heart felt heavy again, a hand gripping his chest as he looked All Might directly.

"What is Deku to you?" He asked, recalling the moment he saw on the giant building's screen. All throughout school, it seemed like All Might had taken an interest to Deku. On top of that, the sudden "resurgence" of Deku's quirk was far too suspicious to ever leave Bakugou's mind. He then remembered that Deku had told him that his quirk was "gifted" to him.

Toshinori had stayed quiet, Aizawa took a look at the two of them and walked back into the car to give them privacy.

"Bakugou, my boy. Young Midoriya told you that his new found power was passed down, yes?" The man who was once the No. 1 Pro Hero, turned towards Bakugou. He could only nod, not sure what to say about it. He could definitely infer some things…

"I'm planning to tell everything to Midoriya's mother, if you'd like to come along you're welcome to hear." Bakugou's eyes widen.


The last time Katsuki Bakugou was inside the Midoriya's household was probably before middle school. He used to come inside often, but mostly accompanied by his own mother. He remembered Inko Midoriya bringing out a specific brand of cookies that she knew Bakugou loved. He recalled never saying thank you and being hit by his mother after woofing down two at a time.

On the coffee table was a plate of those cookies and some tea, but the woman who was once known as "Auntie" to him wasn't smiling. Her face was red, blotted with tear stains. Inko's hair was a mess, her eyes sunken, swollen and tired. She probably hadn't eaten at all since the police told her what had happened to her son. Probably even before that.

"Mrs. Midoriya, we understand the amount of worry, sadness and pain you are in." All Might's voice treaded lightly. The woman had begun pulling at the fabric of her skirt.

"They told me to tell you that we are doing everything in our power to rescue your son, but as the previous No. 1 Hero and Izuku's mentor, I promise you I will rescue him." Bakugou heard the essence of All Might's strength in his tone. Inko's face begun to scrunch up, tears streaming down the already-beaten out path.

"It's your fault." Her voice was soft, but they both heard her clearly. Her eyes, though red and wet with tears, looked malicious.

"I'm sorry, wha-"

"IT'S YOUR FAULT!" Inko screamed out, standing up abruptly. Both All Might and Bakugou were caught off guard, staying in their seats.

"Izuku's always looked up to you, he's wanted to be you! To be a hero! When I found out he was quirkless, I was relieved. B-But then he gets a quirk and all of a sudden he's coming home nearly broken, his hands smashed and bruised and blood a-a-and it's all because of YOU!" She spat harshly at All Might. Bakugou's eyes widen, feeling a hint of…fear? Guilt? All Might only watched, face saddened. While Bakugou felt the verbal lashings to be out of hand, Toshinori Yagi understood that Inko was only attacking him because she was a mother. She needed something to blame. He knew this would happen and readied himself for every single punch to the gut.

"If-If only he didn't get his quirk… but I know even then he would've still tried to become a hero no matter what, but with the quirk he has now he became so destructive and now he's-he's-" Toshinori got up and bowed his head.

"I'm the one that gave him his quirk." Inko and Bakugou's eyes widen, staring at him. The room had gone silent once again, Inko's sobbing had subsided. Her full attention was on the man.



Bakugou didn't know how much time had passed. He didn't really understand what "One for All" but what really probed him in the back of his mind was the question: Why Deku? His turmoil had to be set aside, if he were to get angry about Deku being the "chosen" one then it was possible he would say more things he would regret. He might've said that Deku wasn't deserving, also something along the lines of how he should die. Not something he'd want to say in front of his worrying mother. He didn't know who would slap him first, All Might or Inko.

Once everything was explained, another air of quietness had plagued the room. The amount of tension that built up during the last hour or so had thickened further. The silence broke with more sobbing.

"My son… Izuku, he's my world, he's my hero. I-I know that he's got the heart of a hero but if he just… didn't have a quirk he would've never been in this situation!" –Her voice rose again, tears and snot falling from her face.

"I know he wants to be a hero! I know that he wanted your gift but as his mother I… I just can't stand this anymore! My heart can't take this, and now my boy is GONE!" Her wails struck chords into the two of them. Bakugou finally decided to speak up.

"Mrs. Midoriya-" Bakugou was ready to reassure her, ready to convince her that Deku would be brought back to her safely. She cut him off, slicing his words with her own, sharp retort.

"And YOU! You've always bullied him! You made him life a HELL as a kid! Don't think I didn't know! Every day he came back with bruises and burn marks, you didn't think I knew? You were AWFUL to him! And yet he, he saved you!" Her voice wavered, the anger building. The frustration and utter hatred shone through the tears in her eyes and Bakugou's chest ached.

"I'm not my son, so I can't understand why he would risk his entire life for someone like you. He truly is a hero, but I can't help think that it should've been you taken." Inko's words were bitter, malicious, and unapologetic. A mother's love treaded across any danger, her love for her son shone the brightest in that moment.

Toshinori opened his mouth to say something, anything to buffer the poison spewing from the mother's mouth but Bakugou had stood up from his seat, storming over to Inko's side. The older man's heart jumped, his mind immediately went to the worse. If Aizawa hadn't chosen to stay in the car for this meeting then he was sure the young boy would be wrapped in bandages and pulled back. "Bakugou don't-"

The boy fell to his knees, placed his hands in front of him, and bowed his head to the ground in front of her.

"I'M SORRY!" Silence again.

"I know I'm a fucking asshole and I know what I did to Deku was wrong, but I swear to you I'm going to save him and it's not because I'm aiming to be a hero but it's because I owe it to your god damn son!" He couldn't stop himself from cursing in front of the mother. His nose was to the floor, no one could see the tears rolling down his nose alongside the clenched teeth holding back his cries.

"I SWEAR I'LL GET HIM BACK FOR YOU!" He screamed into the carpet. Toshinori stood there for a moment, dumbstruck by the usually prideful boy's actions. He got to his knees, bowing in front of the woman himself.

"We will rescue Izuku Midoriya with any means necessary, even if I have to give up my life." The once-hero poured from his heart. Inko could only stagger, falling to her own knees in front of them. She wrapped her arms around them and continued crying, wailing loudly.

Bakugou heard her muttered apologizes, begging them both for forgiveness and to bring her son home to her. He also heard her whisper, "Please, all of you come back alive."

They both nodded their heads.


The move to the dorms was difficult for everyone. Many of them would've been excited if it wasn't for the fact there was someone missing. What was worse that this so-called missing student was not actually missing. He was with the villains now.

The very idea of Izuku Midoriya as a villain upset his classmates and the terror and hurt they felt rivalled the outcome of him being dead instead. If Deku knew what was happening to him right now, how would he take to that? Once they got him back, they would ask him that. They all waited for the day they could laugh about this. But a few of them refused to just wait.

The class had organized a room-judging competition that a few of them didn't participate in. Bakugou wasn't going to give them the pleasure of breaking into his room, tearing through his armor and finding his inner feelings. It was just a room, but it was his room that was his haven. He avoided participating in the competition by feigning fatigue, pretending to be asleep in his room. The competition was something to distract everyone from the worry and gloomy atmosphere, it was too obvious.

Everyone's laughter and smiles were bittersweet, but it was the best they can do during these hard times.

Once night fell and everyone went to their rooms, Bakugou went out of his room and became exploring his new living quarters. He needed to know how the kitchen worked so he could make his god damn food as well as where the different exits so he could walk out to train.

Before he walked into the common place, he stopped, hearing voices. He stood in the hallway, listening to see who they were. Probably that Kirishima and Kaminari idiot eating late at night. They seemed like those kind of people.

"He didn't recognize us, do you think they erased those memories… permanently?" Shit. That was Iida.

"If it's a quirk, I doubt that it is permanent. We just need to learn what kind of memory-altering quirk it is and what possible ways that can stop its affect." The calm voice was Todoroki's.

"Right as always, Todoroki!" The optimism in his voice wasn't as it used to be. "I just… can't believe this. Our Midoriya, a villain."

"I know. It goes against everything he is." A sigh followed.

"Todoroki, did you know about his past? When he was shouting at Bakugou, he never told me anything about his relationship with him. I always assumed they were strained friends thrown into competitive rivalry." Bakugou winced at his name being mentioned.

"No. Considering everything I told him about my life, I didn't know anything about him other that what he made public to the whole class." Bakugou couldn't see, but he felt Iida nodding his head. The silence in the air was calm. There was a cricket chirping outside the kitchen's window. Iida spoke up again, gently with caution.

"I knew Bakugou was vicious, but I never thought he'd tell someone to… you know." A nod from Todoroki was a reply, but nothing more. Iida continued. "Midoriya is truly a hero… He said he was alone before, with no friends and only Bakugou telling him to kill himself. But even so he… he saved him." Bakugou listened, his knuckles growing white from being clenched so tightly. He heard Iida's voice shake.

A sob escaped Iida's mouth, causing Todoroki to turn to him in surprise. Iida's head was low, leaning forward on the sofa. Tears fell onto the floor. "We couldn't save him… He was right in front of us and we left him." His voice quivered as Todoroki shifted closer, placing a hand onto his back.

"We couldn't get him that time, but we will. He's still alive, Iida. If it was any of us, we both know Midoriya would try again and again for us." Iida leaned back on the sofa, rubbing Iida's back.

"You're right. We'll save him, even if it takes the rest of my life!" Iida hand went up, wiping away his tears.

Bakugou turned away from the hallway, heading back up to his room. That stupid brat… If he didn't have One for All, Bakugou would assume Deku's quirk was something like "friendship building." It almost seemed like every person he comes into contact with becomes friends with him. Not just friends, but he's built all these strong, mutual relationships. From round-face to four-eyes to half-half, not just them but everyone else in class seemed to revolve around Deku's enigma. His personality was bright, something that drew everyone to him.

When he got into his room, Bakugou was ready to smash his fist into the wall. He stopped himself, knowing that Kirishima next door would wake up and run over to his dorm to check on him. Bakugou didn't want any of that, he just wanted to be left alone and wallow in his suffering. The pain and suffering that he deserved.