Chapter 5

It was a huge surprise to find that the U.A security system was not as brilliant as it was made to be. Izuku was easily able to keep his distance from the school as well as the dormitory without ever being detected. There were no close calls or instances of getting caught. Either the school was completely shit at protecting its youth or Izuku was just too good. He assumed it was the former, feeling that his stealth could've been replicated by any villain. Maybe it was because he was modest that he thought that, but nevertheless, he had collected a good amount of data.

Kurogiri had given him some prior knowledge about the students of U.A in the form of a piece of printed paper. It was a well-organized spreadsheet of the student rooster, their quirks and weaknesses. It was a quick reference for Izuku to check when writing up his hero analysis sheets. Not only did he get the data of Class 1-A, but he also achieved to find out the rooster for other classes, from the hero department all the way to support, then even to general studies.

He noticed everyone's routine, or so he thought. Sometimes kids would be in his blind spot as he wasn't likely to be in front of the dormitory's entrance when spying. On top of that, he was never able to look into the building no matter what angle he pushed himself in. His binoculars never cut it either, so it gave Izuku a feeling of unrest and anger.

Izuku Midoriya was a perfectionist. When it came to his hero analysis, no lines were left blank. He needed to make sure that every single basis was touched, to find strengths, weaknesses and possibilities. Tomura and Kurogiri let Izuku take his time, knowing that the boy would only get antsy if he didn't receive all the data he wanted. Even in just a few days, the villains had felt like they knew the boy for longer, maybe even years. Despite only Izuku's mind being warped, it almost felt like reality was changing all on its own as a result.

After taking more notes on the students, Izuku was free to do as he pleased. Tomura had given him permission to go about wherever he liked, as long as he was not seen by any suspecting heroes. In all of his memories, Izuku had only been inside of the headquarters unless on a mission with the other members. Now that Sensei had been captured and their base relocated, Izuku felt like it was time to see the things he's missed.

He went to the arcade sometimes, finally taking Tomura's suggestion to try playing games. In his words, they were "good for strategy making" which left Izuku laughing to his face. The idea of Tomura coming up with a clever strategy was hilarious, which left the older villain angry, nearly disintegrating Izuku's face off. Nonetheless, the games were fun and could be applicable in certain situations. If anything, Izuku played them for pure fun. To any other passerby, he looked like just another high schooler having a good time inside of an arcade. No one knew who he was and where he came from.

The disguise he wore was basic, something he borrowed from Tomura. A black hoodie, jeans and his red shoes. For whatever reason, those red shoes were a comfort to him and he rarely took them off.

On other occasions, Izuku led himself to the apartment building where he once lived. He felt his heart pulling him to the structure he once called home, despite no one ever really being there. Izuku imagined where his parents were, and if they still lived there. It was a sad thought and he let it be.

On this day while walking, Izuku stopped near the Dagobah Municipal Beach Park. Maybe he stopped because the sun was starting to set, and the light glistening on the water had given him some sort of beacon… of hope? No, it wasn't hope, maybe it was a sense of longing. He remembered the time when he was younger and the beach had been covered in garbage and debris. Izuku couldn't help but wonder who had cleaned up the mess and their reasoning to why someone would go to such an extent for a mere beach park.

Izuku couldn't help but shed a tear and he didn't know why.


Bakugou was known to sneak out of the dormitory at odd times. His reasoning? To find Deku. Everyone in the class knew that was the reason despite his protests and vicious declarations of insults. His classmates would wonder who was taking Deku's disappearance and villainy the hardest, but the consensus was always Katsuki Bakugou. Even as he roared in disagreement and denial, everyone just knew. Half of the class understood that Bakugou wasn't ready to reveal his deepest regrets and pain, so they let him be. No one stopped him from trying to look for Deku.

Kirishima had offered to go along but was given an explosion to the face as he attempted to follow the hot-headed boy. The pride swelling inside of Bakugou was still too great to accept help from his classmates. On top of that, he didn't want Kirishima to follow him when he went to the Midoriya household.

Ever since he declared to Inko Midoriya that he will rescue her son, Bakugou had isolated himself from his classmates. Even if they all were friends with the green-haired brat, it was his burden alone to take on. His responsibility. His debt.

Only a few choice classmates had tried to offer their help, those being people he were… acquaintances with such as Eijirou Kirishima and Denki Kaminari. Other offered, like Shouto Todoroki, Tenya Iida, and Ochako Uraraka; however, those were all close to Deku and felt like pebbles to him. None of them could help him, it was something Bakugou had to face by himself. He didn't need any of them. He could save Deku by himself.

Bakugou had left the Midoriya residence once the sun started to set. He had continued to visit her knowing that she would be lonely and refused to leave her in a pit of despair. Despite his own mother going to her place every day or so, Bakugou still felt the need to be there for her. Every time he came over she would bring out the cookies he liked as a young child. Even while in pain, she was still thinking of others. It was no argument where Deku had gotten his kindness.

The way back to the station would've been easier if he had chosen not to take the scenic walk. Truth be told, he just didn't want to go back to the dorms. Going back meant being defeated, it meant that he didn't find Deku.

There was something about looking out at the beach park as the sun descended that gave Bakugou a sense of uneasiness. To him it meant the day was ending, another day a failure. He wondered who had cleaned up the beach awhile back, thinking that they must've been paid a good lot of money to even attempt something like that. What was strong was that the park had been cleaned all in a night's work. That was the true mystery.

With his hands in his pocket, he stopped to look out towards the ocean. The sea breeze had blown his hair back gently. Bakugou couldn't help but frown. He turned to continue walking until he saw someone else in the distance, on the beach, staring out into the ocean. As the wind blew, the hood that rested on the person's head had fallen down, revealing a mass of green hair.

His eyes widen, he continued to stare. Bakugou's body froze as the wind continued to blow. Could it really be him? Or was this some sort of illusion? Maybe something of his own creation where he desperately wanted to see Deku.

When the boy turned his head, Bakugou saw a tear roll down his cheek. He knew.

"DEKUUUU!" The name channeled itself down the beach, the waves following in its path as Bakugou used his explosions behind him to propel himself forwards. The amount of adrenaline that burst through him was unimaginable, the most he's ever had. One of his hands stopped, throwing itself up as he readied himself to land a punch on the boy. Izuku, on the other hand, recovered from his shock and reacted.

A fist slammed into the sand below, Izuku used the force of the punch to throw the sand up in a smoke-screen like manner. Bakugou fell into wall of sand and rolled onto his back, standing up quickly and gained his footing. In front of him stood Izuku Midoirya, readying his fists with a small smile on his face.

"Wow, Kacchan, I really didn't expect to see you." The boy's eyes darkened. He would've went on to say something about not seeing Kacchan leave the building but he refrained from doing so. He couldn't give away the fact he was spying on the campus.

"Deku you piece of shit where have you been?! Do you know how much trouble you've caused me?!" Bakugou's hands twitched, explosions readying as he panted heavily. Izuku could only ready himself.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that I was your problem." A coy smirk set Bakugou off. He threw himself at the other boy, using his right hand to land a blow. Izuku blocked it with a kick upwards, Bakugou's momentum being thrown off.

"It's been years but I remember that you always start with a right hook. I think you're underestimating me, Kacchan." Deku leaned in to deliver his own right hook punch, smashing his fist into Bakugou's face as he flew feet across the sand. He turned his body around to land on his feet on the sand, using his fingers to hook into the sand to stop him from moving.

Shit. Bakugou's rage was getting the better of him. He should've known that even brainwashed Deku would remember about his god damn right hook. Habits don't die without leaving a fight.

"DEKU!" He screamed out, charging right back at him. "SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT YOU STUPID BRAT!" Bakugou used his explosions to propel himself over Deku, then using his left hand he changed the moment of the fall to land a kick on the boy's back.

Izuku fell forward and quickly regained his balance, a smile still plastered on his face. Bakugou himself, could not smile throughout the entirety so far. His focus was on the boy in front of him. Knock him out. Take him back. That was the plan but easier said than done.

"YOU'E BEEN BRAINWASHED!" Bakugou screamed out, the anger and disgust in his voice was evident. If he could get Deku to realize his situation, he might be able to pull himself out of it. He remembered the sport festival and the match he had with Shinsou. No one was able to break out of his hold by themselves but fucking Deku did it, so he should fucking do it now! "YOU'RE NOT A DIRTY ASS VILLAIN SO STOP ACTING LIKE ONE YOU FUCKFACE!"

Izuku could only stare at Bakugou, a face that screamed disappointment.

"Honestly, what the hell are you even talking about? If you're trying to get me off guard, it's not going to work." Izuku charged back at Bakugou, his fists surging with power as he threw a punch in the air, sending waves of wind and sand hurling towards Bakugou. The other quickly used his quirk to create an explosion to counter it, but once the sand and smoke subsided, Izuku was there in front of him, a first thrown up to catch Bakugou right under the chin.

THAT FUCKER! Bakugou winced in pain as he fell backwards. Before he could get up, two knives plunged themselves into both of his palms. A scream was released as he tried to use his explosions, the sweat slipping into the wound the knives had made and began tearing apart the skin. His explosions were failing him. His explosions were hurting him.

The knives bore into his now-charged palms, deep enough to exit out of his hand and into the sand below him. Izuku walked over to him, a frown appearing on his face.

"Kacchan, why do I feel like… you were holding back? Or maybe it's the fact that I might be…" Izuku's eyes lit up as he leaned down. "Stronger than you?" His lips moved to turn into a twisted smile, the same one that Bakugou and the others had seen during Kamino Ward. The look of a villain ready to kill.

"Honestly, I really wanted a match with you that wasn't this disappointing, but I was told that if I were to get caught I should kill whoever catches me. You're not really an exception, Kacchan." The boy sighed, standing up as he pulled out another knife from his belt. The blade shone against the sunset, the sun seemed to be falling faster as Bakugou felt his life's clock ticking.

Bakugou gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with hatred and terror and remorse and guilt. Everything swirled into his vision as he felt his eyes sting.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this." His voice was barely audible.

"Uh, what?" Izuku frowned again.

"IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS! I was supposed to be kidnaped, not you! You fucking saved me when I didn't fucking ask you too and now you're like this and it's my fault!" His breath hitched, his lungs continued to pump out verbal spews. "This isn't the fucking loser who never quits, this isn't you and for once in your life let me save YOU!"

In that moment, Bakugou thought he saw a flicker of Izuku's old self in his eyes. It quickly diminished as it was replaced with a seething smile barred behind gritted teeth. His eyes went back to craving death.

"What the hell are you saying Kacchan? You trying to save me? All you've done was DESTROY me! SO NOW I'M GOING TO DESTROY YOU!"

Bakugou's face fell flat. His view wasn't the knife that was being thrusted down, nor was it the sun in the background finally fading away. It was the fact that Izuku had started crying, his tears falling onto his face as it mixed with his own tears that had fallen.

In that moment, it looked like Izuku's face was asking for help.


A stream of fire had been blasted from the side, causing Izuku to jump back from his spot to dodge the attack. He turned to see two boys charging towards him. Both of them were the boys Izuku had saw at Kamino Ward. Now he knew their names: Eijirou Kirishima and Shouto Todoroki.

Izuku scowled, switching his knife's hold from bottom to top as he charged towards the two of them. Todoroki had sent another flame blast towards the boy, which Izuku dodged by jumping in the air. A wall of ice had created itself from the floor up to make a ceiling. Using his legs, Izuku quickly kicked down the ice barrier and landed onto the sand, his knife aiming to the nearest student. His blade clanked onto Kirishima's hardened arm, Izuku gritting his teeth as he tried another strike to the boy's head. Another arm was raised to block the attack, but Izuku was ready with his other hand himself, throwing a punch towards the boy's middle. Again, more hardening but he felt the blow of his powered-up punch get through to the boy.

"Shit Midoriya! You can really throw a punch!" Kirishima smiled, wincing as he grabbed ahold of Izuku's wrist. Izuku quickly whipped back his blade to stab at the hand that was holding him. The boy let go and they both furthered distance from each other.

Todoroki had made his way over to Bakugou's side, helping him pull the blades out of his palms.

"What the fuck are you two doing here?!" He spat, holding onto his hands as he felt the blood bubbling down his palms. Todoroki pulled first aid out of his pouch and handed it to him.

"Saving you, obviously." It was too direct and Bakugou was about to yell something before Todoroki pressed the gauze onto his palms. "Don't think we were just going to ignore every time you leave the dorms. You're not the only one who's driven to save him."

Before Bakugou could say anything else, he heard quick footsteps race towards the location. Whipping his head up, he saw every single one of his classmates racing down the pathway to the beach. No one was missing from Class 1-A, even Aizawa was accompanying them.

"Bakugou are you alright?!" The voice belonged to Uraraka. She had ran to his side as the rest of the class caught up with Kirishima to surround Izuku.

The villain boy gritted his teeth. He was outnumbered, he didn't have all of assessments ready or a well-thought out strategy. He could learn as he fought but when it was twenty versus one, well, there was going to be a disadvantage. He tried to recall every single one of their faces and names but became frustrated as his mind began fogging up. Instead he turned his attention to Bakugou, his face twisted with malice and envy.

"Kacchan, look at everyone who came to help you out! Must be great to have so many friends huh? HUH KACCHAN?!" His voice was laced with venom, but at the same time sounded like a wounded puppy.

Bakugou had gotten himself up, standing as he held onto his hands.

"YOU IDIOT! THEY'RE ALL YOUR FRIENDS!" He screamed out, matching the other boy's anger.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" Izuku's head began to spin, the memories in his head began to fizzle in and out of existence before he sees Sensei in front of him. Everything stopped moving, his memories stop pulling at themselves. His resolves are solid once again.

He looks towards the class and begins to smile, a fist readying itself as the entire class gets itself ready for combat. Before Izuku could do anything, a warp gate appears behind him and a hand reaches to grab Izuku.

"DEKU NO!" Bakugou tried using his explosions but stopped, remembering the pain and wounds he has. He attempts to run towards the warp gate but he sees Deku disappear, leaving everyone stranded on the beach.

The scream of despair echoes through the beach, reaching to the moon that had risen from the horizon. Bakugou's cries of defeat reaches even the stars.


"Can't believe we had to come and rescue your ass." Silence. The sound of scratching begun.

"Now we're going to have to take privileges away from you, Izukun." Tomura sat in front of Izuku. The boy was looking at the ground, frowning as he gripped the sofa cushion.

"Are you even listening right now?" Tomura reached out with all of his fingers to Izuku's face, but found that the boy didn't block or move away. Four of his fingers rested on his face, his pinky out.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Tomura frowned himself, finally catching Izuku's eyes.

"I'm pissed, sorry. I got carried away." The feeling of disappointment had spread across Izuku's mind, causing him to feel like he needed to punish himself for it. "I can't be reckless anymore, I'm mad at myself." He added. Tomura retracted his fingers.

"Oh shut the fuck up, you're fine. Go get some sleep, we'll talk more later." Tomura huffed angrily, standing up as he grabbed ahold of the boy's arm (with one finger out) and forced him to stand. Izuku only moved towards the door before Tomura followed.

"Stop moping you baby, do you need me to tuck you in?" The mocking sarcasm was met with a snort and then a laugh. Tomura watched as Izuku smiled to him. Good. He was still his.


The scolding Bakugou received had fallen on deaf ears. Aizawa made his attempts, but found it futile and stopped, leaving him in the care of his classmates. There was nothing he could say to make the situation better, and reprimanding him would probably make things worse. After all, anyone in his place would've done the same thing, himself included.

His face was sullen, looking down at the ground as he sat on one of the common room's couches. His hands were wrapped in bandages which gave Bakugou a sick feeling curling in his other classmates were around him, though all scattered to other sofas and even to the kitchen to give him space. Only Kirishima had sat on the floor in front of him, looking at Bakugou in the eyes.

"I know you didn't want help, but you gotta listen to us man. You can't do this alone." Kirishima's words seemed to have travelled through empty space. Everyone's worrying faces watched Bakugou and any reactions he would give.

"I know how it feels to seek vengeance, and become fueled by your own personal agenda." That was Iida's voice. His hand was placed onto Bakugou's shoulder. He didn't move to shrug it off.

"If we all band together, we can save him!" The optimism in Uraraka's voice didn't help the situation. More voices tried to reassure Bakugou but everything bounced off of him. It wasn't until Todoroki spoke.

"Did you see his eyes?" Bakugou looked up at the other boy, finally giving some sort of reaction.

"I saw tears. Before Kirishima and I had gotten there, he must've been crying. What did you see?" All eyes went back to Bakugou. Truth be told, the boy felt anxious having everyone waiting for his response. It was different than when he declared his victories over speakers or when he threatened his classmates. The words lumped up in Bakugou's throat.

"He looked like he was calling for help." A gasp from Uraraka pierced through the room.

"That means he's still in there! He's calling out for help! Bakugou!" She moved closer to him, her fists balled up. "He's not gone!"

Bakugou remained silent. Even so, what the fuck could he do? He was stuck to the ground, unable to do anything. Even with pleading eyes, Bakugou still wasn't able to save him. He was a failure. A weakling that couldn't do anything even if it was presented right in front of him. He was useless, dead in the water, a waste of space, nothing more than a-

"Bakugou." Todoroki's voice chilled the air. "Do you think Midoriya had made it this far all by himself?" Everyone turned to look at him. "He didn't just rely on his own strength, but he had help along the way and cherished the bonds he created. If it wasn't for him reaching out to me, I would've never been able to forgive myself."

Bakugou recalled the moment in between the cavalry battle and the final tournament during the sports festival. He remembered hearing about Todoroki's past.

"He reached out to me and helped me, so I'll do the same to you." Todoroki held out his hand.

"You want to save him but so do we. You put all this burden on yourself when you didn't have to. You think that this is a path only you can take, but that's not true. Let us walk with you. Let's save him." Bakugou stared at Todoroki, seeing the resolve in his eyes. That fucking idiot… always going around and saving people when they weren't asking for it…

He took ahold of the boy's hand, nodding his head gently. Their grip strengthened. He had to let go of his guilt and fill it with something else. Something better, some kind of fuel that would drive every single one of them.

The entire class gaped and cheered, moving closer to Bakugou as he kept his sights on Todoroki's.

He returned the boy's smile with one of his own.