Chapter 10 Epilogue , The End .

After every single surprise attack and tireless training sessions that had happened to them, Class 1-A didn't seem to have much of a reaction when they became 2nd years. The entire year had given them valuable experience of what it meant to be a hero in the real world – they've faced evil at its core, what other student from U.A could say that? Not even the third years had gained the knowledge they've received, though it came with heartache.

High school was supposed to be a time for creating happy new memories with friends. Being on the path of a hero; however, high school meant something very different. To Class 1-A, their school meant strengthened their minds and bodies in order to one day put their lives on the line. Heroes risk their lives every single day just to keep the peace in the world, one slip up and you're done. Gone.

If any of the students didn't realize that fact yet, they've came to fully understand it after their first year at U.A.

Though they've all matured as a result, there wasn't a way to truly take away their adolescent personalities. During the summer they had organized a trip to the beach, spending recreational time with each other outside of the dorms. The students were allowed to go back to their families for the summer and being away from home for so long seemed to have taken a toll on a couple of the kids. Still, everyone managed to gather at the beach for one day of ocean waves and sand castles.

Everyone had the intentions of inviting Izuku Midoriya, but after being told time and time again by Aizawa that the family wasn't ready, they stopped asking.

Even Katsuki Bakugou hadn't gone to the Midoriya household during the summer break. It wasn't like he didn't want to (he absolutely did want to) but All Might had even told the young boy himself that Izuku needed more time for recovery.

The class was updated with information every so often, but it was always vague and short. Everyone had a burning desire to see Izuku Midoriya again, even if it was just for a split second. Just to see that he was still there, and maybe that he was still him.

Bakugou sat in his seat, his face leaning on the palm of his hand as he stared at the wall to his left.

"Man what do you think they're gonna have us do this year? More training?" Kirishima's voice brought Bakugou back to the conversation at hand.

"Who knows! If it's training then no problem! I think I'm more worried about the new lessons in English than anything else." Kaminari shivered at the thought. He might've been the absolute worst at the subject in the class.

"Bro do I feel you. Least we got Bakugou here to tutor us!" Kirishima patted the Bakugou's desk which he was leaning on.

The blonde only frowned, glaring at the two idiots. "Maybe if you two dipshits paid more attention you wouldn't fucking need me to tutor you!" He growled, mouth twitching into a deeper scowl.

Kaminari whistled, folding his arms and grinned at the fiery boy.

"Already grouchy? It's the first day of school! Lighten up!" He stuck a finger out, ready to poke at the beast.

"Don't even think about it." Bakugou threatened which only made Kaminari laugh harder.

More students had made their way into the classroom, talking amongst one another with the time they had before the bell would ring. Bakugou could hear girls squealing behind him, identifying the high-pitched shrieks with Ashido and Hagakure. On the other side of the classroom was Uraraka talking to both Tsuyu and Todoroki, her voice was deafeningly loud as well.

At any other time Bakugou would've found the noise to be annoying and irritable, but the fact that there was a specific someone's muttering missing made him truly frustrated. There should've been someone sitting behind Bakugou, rambling and spouting off words a mile per minute. Maybe that was the reason why he was in such an off-putting mood, though the others inferred it to be his usual routine.

The anxiety of the first day of class had gotten to Bakugou when he least suspected it. What he really thought was could this be it? We just act like nothing happened and go back to the way things were?


No one could deny that Midoriya's kidnapping and retrieval had deeply affected Bakugou. It shaped his personality and morale into something else, whether that was good or bad was up to the others to interpret.

He was quieter, more to himself than anything else. His desire to win was still burning red hot, but there was something else in his eyes that people didn't seem to understand.

"FUCK." Bakugou cursed, causing his friends to jump in surprise.

"Whoa there, you doing okay?" Kirishima began patting at the blonde's head, causing Bakugou to slap his hand away in annoyance.

"Nothing, just trying to fill my swearing quota." Bakugou grumbled, his answer pleasing both of the boys. While the other two laughed, Bakugou turned back to stare at the wall, sighing to himself.

He was feeling pathetic when he shouldn't be. Bakugou was always stubborn, but it felt like an insult that the others were able to act cheerful in the situation they were in. How could anyone smile when Midoriya wasn't there with them?


Bakugou was thinking too hard about it. He had to let go and just focus on other things. Maybe if he stopped by after school, just a quick peek into the other's household, then he'd be able to survive for the rest of the school year. It probably would've been unfair to the other classmates, but considering his strong relationship with Midoriya… well, it wouldn't hurt if they didn't know.

"CLASS! PLEASE TAKE YOUR SEATS AND GET YOURSELF READY FOR CLASS!" Iida's voice boomed from the front, his hands gesturing wildly in the air. A few groans came from some of the students as everyone began moving back to their original seats. Iida trotted himself back to his own desk as Aizawa came through the doors to behind the desk. He was carrying his yellow sleeping bag, so at least that meant the day would be an easy one.

"Good morning class." The monotonous tone was one that gave everyone a sense of familiarity, the class replying back. "I was going to have you all do another quirk assessment test and compare it with the ones we did the first time, but there's been a change of plan."

The class began whispering to each other, filling the room with tiny conversations amongst peers.

"You think it's a different kind of test?"

"Maybe they're gonna throw us into another summer camp situation!"

"More practical training perhaps?"

"Or a pop quiz?! I don't remember anything!"

Aizawa cleared his throat, eyebrows furrowing at the students. The chatter had subsided once they took a look at their teacher's irritable eyes.

"Maybe if you all kept quiet, I could explain what we're doing. Honestly how many times do we have to do this." He rubbed the bridge of his nose before taking a deep breath. "We have a new student joining us from now on."

All attention went forward, surprising everyone. Bakugou only furrowed, frowning deeply at the thought. Why introduce a new person into the class now of all time? It didn't seem like something U.A would do, especially when they had just gone through the prospects and conspiracies of there being a traitor amongst the staff and students.

"You already know him, so please help him adjust." Aizawa added, this leaving the class absolutely deadly silent.

Someone they already knew? They didn't mean…? Bakugou's heart began pounding as the door opened. It almost seemed like the entire class had held their breath all at the same time.

Footsteps approached, walking through the door was …

Hitoshi Shinsou.

Bakugou's heart dropped, frustrating him. Of course it wasn't Izuku, why would it be?

The entire class seemed to have hoped the same thing, though it wasn't a bad thing that Shinsou was now in their class, after all he had a very powerful quirk. It was something to celebrate, knowing that Shinsou had come from the General Studies department of the school and was now enrolled into the hero course.

Shinsou stood at the front of the class, bowing his head gently.

"I'm Hitoshi Shinsou. I know a good amount of you already but I hope to get along with everyone in this class." The formality seemed a bit off, but once he looked up and met eye to eye with Bakugou, the blonde quickly shot daggers. The purple-haired boy only frowned in response, heading down the aisle to take a seat.

Bakugou's eyes widen, realizing that he was coming closer to the seat behind him, Izuku's seat.

"Don't even think about it!" Bakugou's chair almost fell over when he stood up abruptly, meeting eye-to-eye with Shinsou.

"Think about what?" Though his tired expression showed confusion, there was a hint of smugness.

"Sitting here! It's not your fucking seat, got it?!" Bakugou growled, placing a hand on the desk behind him, his fingers twitching.

Uraraka got up from her seat, concern filling her eyes. "Bakugou! Calm down!"

"NO!" He spat back, turning towards the girl. "You should understand right?! You all should! I'm not just going to play around and forget he even existed! This is Izuku's seat!" He roared back, the entire class growing somber with each passing second.

Shinsou only sighed, moving a hand to comb through his purple hair.

"Listen, Bakugou," The blonde refused to listen.

"NO, you fucking listen! EVERYONE listen! I'm not going to forget about him, or where he sat in class! This is his god damn seat and it always will be until he gets back! Got it?! If you think for a second we're gonna let-"

"I'm sorry I'm late!"

All eyes turned towards the door, a panting Izuku Midoriya stood at the doorway gripping his yellow backpack straps. The entire class had gone silent once again.

Aizawa only rummaged through some papers on the desk.

"Being late on the first day? You're already looking pretty bad, I could easily expel you for this." He grumbled but something about his tone seemed to have not been too serious, considering he was smirking.

Midoriya bowed his head and quickly went to the front.

"I'm sorry! I got caught up on the train helping an elderly couple to their next station!" He explained, face growing red with embarrassment.

"I guess if you were helping someone I can let it go, but don't be late again."

Midoriya nodded his head furiously and turned towards the classroom, eyes darting everywhere before looking to his feet.

"U-Um! Hi! I'm Izuku Midoriya, but I guess you all know that huh?" He gave a sheepish smile to the class, before bowing again. "I was already told about my situation, so please don't feel like you have to not talk about it! I have to admit it's sort of confusing and almost impossible to believe but uh, I want to apologize for not being able to remember everyone!"

He stood up, though shaking slightly.

"I still want to be a hero, that's why I'm here. I hope we can all become friends! Again!" Midoriya's face broke out into a wide smile, nearly causing the entire class to break from their silence. Some went into cheers, others began to weep.

Bakugou stood there, eyes widen and mouth open.


"I'm Yuga Aoyama, the sparkliest one here."

"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, it's a pleasure to remeet you. I hope we can all work to be the best heroes we can be."

"Shouto Todoroki."

Everyone had surrounded Midoriya once the class was put on break, even Shinsou had sat around to introduce himself to the other. Bakugou didn't have to move from his spot at all, since Midoriya's seat was right behind his own. He was sitting on his chair sideways, looking from the entire class to the expression Midoriya had on his face every time someone introduced themselves.

Of course the boy was overwhelmed, considering there was 20 students all crowding around one area to talk to him, but what could you expect?

"Rikadou Satou! Great to meet you dude!"

"Kyouka Jirou, let me know if you need anything, kay?"

"Tsuyu Asui, but please call me Tsu. Ribbit."

Midoriya politely replied to everyone, frantically looking around as more people chimed in. He rubbed the back of his head and grew red from all the sudden attention.

Once everyone had introduced themselves (excluding Bakugou who was too shocked to really say a word) everyone began asking questions. It was like a new transfer student came in and the entire class wanted to know everything, despite already knowing about Midoriya. Maybe it was the new life he got that seemed interesting to them, or the fact that Midoriya was still aiming to be a hero despite all of his motivations and support being erased.

"So why do you want to be a hero? I mean, who doesn't right? But considering, you know?" Hagakure chimed in, though Bakugou wasn't really sure where the invisible girl was.

"Hm? Well, I guess I just really like helping people? I don't know there's just something in me that can't turn away from someone in need of help. I think I knew I wanted to be a hero was when I saw this robbery happening inside a grocery store when I was out with my mom. Just a bunch of thugs and my mom was ready to call the police, but I saw a child in trouble and before I knew it my legs had me over there." Midoriya kept his gaze down to his hands as he recalled the story.

"I don't know what happened, but I think something awakened in me. I didn't know how to use my uh, quirk since I had forgotten, but in that moment my legs became really powerful and I was able to protect the kid." He looked up at the entire class, growing embarrassed again at the realization he had started rambling. "Sorry! I didn't mean to talk on and on about that! I just got lost in the memory that's all! I'm sure my reasoning's pretty boring huh?"

Uraraka was the first to respond. "Of course not! Deku that's amazing!"

Green eyes looked at her, puzzled.


The entire class shifted awkwardly, quickly trying to find a way to diffuse the air of confusion.

"Um! It was a, uh, nickname that someone gave you!" Uraraka quickly replied, throwing her hands up.

"Deku as in 'the one who can't achieve anything'? Is that me?" Midoriya's eyes widen before he jumped in surprise at Bakugou who suddenly rose hastily from his seat.

"I fucking gave you that name okay? But listen, you're not the Deku 'who can't do anything' you're the Deku that always does his best! The 'I can do it' Deku! You got it?!" Bakugou slammed his palms on Midoriya's desk, the entire class startled that the blonde was giving off such a nasty vibe right off the bat.

Midoriya only blinked before smiling gently.

"The Deku who always does his best, I think I'm okay with that." It was almost like the class let out a sigh of relief all at once, a few snickers here and there.

"Um, I don't think you told me your name by the way." Midoriya added, looking up at Bakugou. The blonde could only scoff, sitting back in his seat before turning his head away from the other. Too many emotions were going through his mind, falling into his heart and then climbed back to his head in a dizzy sprint.

On one hand he should be happy that Midoriya was there, back in class. After all, he was the one that threw a public tantrum about the seat being only reserved for the green-haired boy, but on the other hand the entire situation sucked. He just wanted Midoriya back with all his memories, though it seemed as like it was impossible at this point.

Damn it! He should be happy right? Midoriya still wanted to be a hero, he was going to be friends with everyone again, so why was something missing?

"Um," Midoriya reached over to tap Bakugou's shoulder when he didn't respond.

"It's Katsuki Bakugou, and I'm going to be the number 1 hero one day. So you better watch your fucking back, I'm not losing to anyone, not even you." He huffed out, turning to look at Midoriya, meeting his emerald eyes once again.

"Katsuki Bakugou…" Midoriya murmured, fingers going up to his face to rub his chin. "Oh! Okay I got it!"

Bakugou turned back again, raising an eyebrow at the other.

"How about I call you Kacchan? Just so we're even now. You can call me Deku since you're probably used to it, but I think it's fair if I give you one too." He grinned, Bakugou's eyes widening.

The entire class almost broke into their own smiles and laughter. No one acknowledged that Bakugou wasn't looking embarrassed or upset, rather he looked extremely happy.

Bakugou snorted, turning his chair so he could face Midoriya.

"Fine Deku, call me whatever you want but it's still not going to change the fact I'm going to be number 1." He smirked at the boy who could only challenge his expression with a determined look of his own.

"We're all here to do our best right? But just so you know I'm going to do my best too, even if everyone's already got a head start on me. I'm the Deku that never gives up, I want to be the greatest hero too!" Midoriya announced, hands balling into fists in front of him.

Some other students chimed in after, stating that they'll be the best hero as the competitive nature of the class grew. The conversation grew from there and Bakugou turned back to face the wall once again.

Bakugou was far too determined to be number 1, but if there was anyone out there that could go beyond, it would be Izuku Midoriya. After the entire travesty, he was still himself.

Finally, Bakugou was able to realize what the situation meant now.

Second chances.

This was the time where he could finally throw away all the self-loathing and resentment, he could finally look to Midoriya as someone who wasn't trying to pity him or make him feel lower than dirt. He was a rival, but most importantly, a friend.

Now was the time to finally return with payment in kind.

He could finally return the favor.