Chapter 45: The Drowned Ones [18+

The previous battle with the invisible specter had left the army weary, but determined. They had barely survived the night in the cursed village, and James knew their journey through Volkaria was only going to get more perilous. As dawn broke and the mist lifted from the streets, the eerie silence left an unsettling feeling that lingered in the hearts of every soldier, dwarf, and elf.

"James, we should move quickly," Yori had said, her brow furrowed with concern. "There's something unnatural about the way the fog clings to this place."

He agreed, knowing the sooner they left, the better. By mid-morning, they were on the road again, heading east toward their next destination, a lakeside camp. The path was treacherous and the mountains loomed ominously in the distance. They had passed through Volkaria's cursed lands, but James felt in his bones that the real darkness had yet to reveal itself.